Temporary Housing gives Users time to Consider their Needs
Location: Hackney, London
Issue: To minimise delayed discharges from hospital for Hackney residents where housing issues like the need to fit equipment are the sole cause of delay.
Action: Service users identified on the ward as possible discharges are referred to the scheme by hospital social workers, who submit a community care assessment and care plan to help determine the level of support necessary. The project manager liaises with the housing department, housing association and occupational therapy service to provide users with accommodation for up to six weeks while their own home is being adapted. Help with personal care, food preparation and domestic support is offered, although the aim is to maximise independence.
Outcome: Fewer people enter residential care directly from hospital, and the number of delayed discharges has been reduced.
Users have an opportunity to re-equip themselves with the skills they need to live independently and breathing space to make decisions about their future care and accommodation needs. Around half have moved back to their previous accommodation after adaptation work has been carried out.
Organisations Involved: Hackney social services, Homerton University Hospital, City & Hackney PCT
Contact: Janice Wightman
Telephone: 020 8356 4768
Email: jwightma@gw.hackney.gov.uk