The Missing Option? Expanding private/market rented housing for older people
Two new Housing LIN briefing papers by Jenny Pannell and Imogen Blood go into extensive detail into why there isn't more high quality housing for older people to rent privately in mainstream or specialist accommodation.
- What are the barriers?
- What sort of private rented housing do older people want?
- Would more of it encourage "downsizing"?
The past two years (2012-2013) have seen a growing interest in the potential role of a 'new PRS' in delivering quality housing and greater tenure choice ... with media interest, conferences and reports, a government Private Rented Sector Taskforce and funding for Build to Rent. This interest comes from a wide range of players, including housing associations, developers, new private rented sector (PRS) businesses, investors, thinktanks and charities.
But PRS housing for older people has been missing from the debate so far. Why shouldn't PRS initiatives and funding models be broadened to encourage inclusive inter-generational communities for older people as well as families and younger people?
This is the first of two new Housing LIN Briefings, explores whether the PRS could extend the choice of housing options for older people who prefer to live in all-age communities. It argues that market rent could extend the choice of housing options for older people in retirement and extra care housing, including those who may prefer to move from larger family housing. Briefing 2 looks specifically at market rent in specialist retirement and extra care housing.