The State of the City for Manchester’s Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Communities

This report has been produced by LGBT Foundation with the support of Manchester City Council’s Equalities Team.

LGBT Foundation has been grant funded by the Equalities Funding Programme to deliver a three year programme of work which supports the Council to achieve its equality objectives in relation to sexual orientation:

  • To strengthen our knowledge, understanding and evidence base about communities so that we can increase community cohesion and design services that meet everyone’s needs
  • To tackle discrimination and narrow the gap between disadvantaged groups to the wider community and between
  • Manchester and the rest of the country
  • To celebrate the diversity of Manchester and increase awareness of the positive contribution that our diverse communities make to the city

This is the second of three annual reports exploring the state of the city for lesbian, gay and bisexual people in Manchester. This year’s report focuses on Manchester’s older LGB population.