Therapists Work with Architect to Design Supportive Environment
Location: Bedfordshire
Issue: To reduce delayed discharges from acute services and inappropriate admission to residential or nursing homes, and give older people a safe environment in which to regain their independence after an acute episode of care.
Action: Six short-stay flats are being built within an existing sheltered accommodation complex. Therapists have been involved with the architects throughout, so that the units are designed to support people in their final assessment before discharge to their own home.
The intermediate care team of therapists will continue rehabilitation - there will be a purpose-built treatment room - and rehabilitation assistants will be employed by the PCT on a rota to act as housekeeper during the day, with support from the onsite warden. At night residents can call on the out-of-hours nursing/social care service.
Outcome: The facility is due to open in December 2003. Average length of stay will be around two weeks. The scheme is expected to give clients with complex needs a chance to participate in their short and long-term care planning to help them maintain a level of independence.Organisations Involved: Bedfordshire Heartlands PCT, Aragon Housing Association
Contact: Noreen Last
Telephone: 01525 636835