Thriving by responding to trends and challenges: A Blog from an ISPA Community Peer-Researcher

This blog is written by a community-peer researcher, Ro Pengelly, volunteering with the Intersectional Stigma of Place-Based Ageing (ISPA) Project to enable communities to thrive and put into the limelight the important matters from the point of view of the public.
The blog explores the importance of engagement and partnership working, the insecurity felt by communities and the growing scepticism about local planning processes.
This blog is written to enable communities to thrive, by easing the way for unpaid carers, by stemming gloom and insecurity due to dereliction, and by countering any feelings of waning democracy via parish and community councils, and of growing scepticism about local planning processes.
The ISPA project is an ambitious 5-year participatory mixed method study that will explore and understand how the stigma attached to where people live can intersect with experiences of disability and ageing. Find out more below.