Thurrock Local Area Coordination: first four months evaluation report
Thurrock's Health & Well-being Board recently approved a report to establish strong links between planning, housing and the Health & Well-being Board, recognising the vital role of planning in the delivery of the health and well-being agenda.
A follow up report has now established a Health & Well-being Advisory Group which will undertake health impact assessments of proposed new housing developments at the pre-application and application stage. The links between Planning and Health & Well-being are helping to raise the profile of housing for older people - with more housing developments incorporating the design recommendations of the HAPPI Report.
In addition, Thurrock has published an evaluation of the first four months of the implementation of its "local Area Co-ordination" approach. This programme provides an opportunity for reforming and integrating services, establishing a more connected, simplified system with a greater emphasis on prevention, capacity building, and individual, family and community resilience to reduce demand on health and care services.