Towards an age friendly London: the Mayor's action plan
The Mayor of London has published his action plan for an age friendly London based on the eight age-friendly domains identified by the WHO (opens new window), which include housing, outdoor spaces and buildings, communication and transportation. For housing the report makes key points around access to housing and decision making, the funding for specialist housing and community-led approaches as well as inclusive and age-friendly design and communities.
Understanding that inaccessible housing can increase social isolation and poor-quality housing can exacerbate health conditions in later life, the report recognises that for older Londoners, living conditions can be a particularly significant determinant of quality of life. Actions for housing are outlined along three key themes:
- Increase older Londoners’ access to housing that is affordable and meets their needs
- Tackle fuel poverty and reduce the number of Londoners living in poor conditions
- Ensure older Londoners’ views are heard in decision-making around housing.
The report details initiatives to meet these aims, including the Care and Support Specialised Housing Programme to fund new affordable homes for older Londoners.
Aiming to ensure older Londoners’ views are heard in decision-making around housing, the report also states resident involvement will be a key component of community-led housing developments. The section on health inlcudes details on the steps being undertaken as part of an ambition to make London the world’s first dementia-friendly capital city.