West Midlands Mental Capacity Act Event
This resource comprises a series of presentations on the Mental Capacity Act and its implications for the housing sector, given from different perspectives. They include:
- A Provider Perspective on the Implications for the Housing, Care & Support Sector - by Anthony McCool, Trident - Presentation (ppt - 311Kb)
- Housing with Care: Issues Arising Out of the Mental Capacity Act - by Jeremy Porteus, CSIP - Presentation (ppt - 1.2Mb)
- Mental Capacity Act 2005 - Relevance for Housing Practitioners - by Fiona Bateman, Care and Health Law - Presentation (ppt - 89Kb)
- Mental Capacity Implementation Programme - by Paul Gantley, CSIP - Presentation (ppt - 240Kb)
- Progress Update in the West Midlands - by Richard Bartholomew, CSIP - Presentation (ppt - 206Kb)