You are not alone in feeling lonely: Loneliness in later life
This report from Age UK presents new evidence about the scale of the loneliness challenge among people aged 65 and over, exploring why loneliness is harmful to older people’s health, wellbeing and quality of life and practical steps to mitigate against it.
The report details latest figures on levels of loneliness amongst older people in the UK, the key drivers of loneliness and what works and helps to address the challenge, featuring case studies and approaches that aim to build resilience and help people develop their own pathways out of loneliness.
The examples in the report show that while loneliness is not a simple challenge to solve, neither is it impossible, and the authors call for a 'whole system' response to loneliness, outlining 10 approaches that should involve cross-government, cross-societal efforts involving local, regional and national government, funders, charities and communities working together to target loneliness.