00:44:27 Sarah.Pickup: The hand function is under "reactions" 00:47:41 Cym D'Souza: There is also a "raise hand" function in the participants icon - I think Emma has her hand up through this function. 00:48:26 Louise Bassett: Could Wendy share the dementia guide she referred to? 00:48:46 Jeremy Porteus: Jane mentioned the work on befriending and technology, we are focussing on this in one of our HAPPI Hour webinars on Compassionate Neighbours later this month. If interested, more at: https://www.housinglin.org.uk/Events/HAPPI-Hour-Compassionate-Neighbourhoods-communities-that-care/ 00:50:08 Jeremy Porteus: Louise, Guinness' report can be accessed at: https://www.housinglin.org.uk/Topics/type/Independent-Evaluation-of-The-Guinness-Partnerships-Dementia-Project/ 00:50:40 Louise Bassett: thank you! 00:51:50 Wendy.Wells: Louise - will happily also share the dementia design guide incase you can't access from with the report 00:57:47 Jeremy Porteus: The scheme Aileen referred to is an early Housing LIN case study: https://www.housinglin.org.uk/Topics/type/Breaking-down-the-enigma-of-dementia-Extra-Care-at-Bletchley-Park/ 00:59:21 Jeremy Porteus: John's recent Housing LIN guest blog is at: https://www.housinglin.org.uk/blogs/Taking-action-to-become-dementia-ready/ 01:02:29 Jeremy Porteus: On the Green agenda, Appendix 3 of the Inquiry Report updates the HAPPI design principles and provides further info and guidance on outdoor space, natural lighting, planting and wider street-scaping 01:03:07 James.White: https://www.dementiafriends.org.uk/WEBArticle?page=become-dementia-friend (link to Dementia Friends initiative) 01:06:32 Aileen Evans: Agree completely Bruce 01:07:57 Wendy.Wells: Agree - more dementia friendly services are also more accessible customer services for all! 01:11:31 Jeremy Porteus: More info on Bring Dementia Out in the Housing LIN Blog at https://www.housinglin.org.uk/News/Bring-Dementia-Out-Supporting-LGBT-people-with-dementia/ 01:12:05 Jane Ashcroft: Definitely support Wendy's comments, and we are excited about the work we are doing in Manchester to develop a majority LGBTQ+ extra care service in the City. 01:14:48 Jane Ashcroft: Great point Cym about prevention as well as support 01:14:55 Jeremy Porteus: Following on from Jane and Manchester, while not dementia specific, our recent HAPPI Hour last month looked at what's happening in London and Manchester. Slides and recording at: https://www.housinglin.org.uk/Events/HAPPI-Hour-Housing-with-Pride/ 01:17:27 Francis Philippa: Agree @Sarah Pickup linking local government with responsibilities for adaptations and @John Tonkiss's challenge to find new approaches to home-owners and the advice and information deficit there is a really important opportunity for Social Housing providers to create pathways for people into the right house in the right place. 01:17:54 Alexander Fleming: Creating a culture of acceptance and support across developments is vital, you can have the best design possible that follows every guideline published but culture is so so important. Dementia Friends is definitely the way in whoch gets people engaged in such an easy way. 01:19:18 Cym D'Souza: Presume the recording is going to be summarised into a note of the discussion we've had to date? 01:19:43 Aileen Evans: Absolutely a need for a leaders group - we would welcome it at GU 01:20:06 Sally Nicholson: Riverside achieved the Gold standard for the Stirling dementia design standards for 3 recent new builds, however its all of the examples of training, staffing ethos etc that can make a huge difference to the support to customers and their families 01:20:22 Helena.Doyle: Yes from Stonewater. Sorry I have had connectivity issues and needed to switch device so no camera. Fully supportive of this group to drive forward and keep up momentum 01:20:30 Katey Twyford: Hi Cym, yes we will be able to get some of the examples from the recording, but there may be others that you have all prepared that didn't get voiced. It would be great to collect those too. 01:20:57 Wendy.Wells: We have so much to learn from each other and so much to share so a leaders group is vital - this would also help with cross sector relationship building 01:21:14 Sally Nicholson: Yes agree - we've been doing a lot of work on dementia but having the report and the group going forward allows best practice sharing and keeping the momentum 01:21:47 Cym D'Souza: The Leaders Group would great to continue, however maybe we need to identify other key players to join it e.g. NHF, Age Concern - possibly they were invited? 01:21:49 Katey Twyford: Picking up Sarah's point, it would also be gret to get examples of what is being done to take forward an integrated approach with other partners from health, social care etc 01:22:11 Bruce Moore: ADASS would a good addition to this Group 01:31:31 Cym D'Souza: Thanks @Katey Twyford that's great. once the summary is circulated I'm more than happy to add toit in terms of good practice. 01:33:21 Bruce Moore: Thank you Paul for being a great chair for today's meeting 01:33:34 James.White: Thank you Paul 01:33:43 Wendy.Wells: Thanks Paul 01:33:55 Ben Beadle: Thank you everyone. Helpful session. :-) 01:34:16 Michael Wilkes-Spellman: Thank you everyone for the links you had added here, all very useful and I have lots of internet tabs open for a read 01:34:18 Sally Nicholson: Thanks everyone 01:34:27 Alexander Fleming: Thanks all 01:34:27 Sarah.Pickup: Thanks everyone