10:05:55 From Jerome Billeter - Housing LIN to Sally Taylor-Ridgway - Housing LIN(Direct Message) : Pls keep an eye on waiting room. I'm receiving emails of people who can't join 10:06:29 From Sally Taylor-Ridgway - Housing LIN to Jerome Billeter - Housing LIN(Direct Message) : There's no one in the waiting room at the moment - will keep an eye out 10:08:35 From Louise Lee Specialist Housing Retirement Villages : Morning all. Sarah Sutton from Platform is struggling to join , the meeting wont launch for her, are you able to call her in anyway. thank you. 10:09:46 From Sarah's iPhone : I’m here now but on my phone as laptop won’t connect hello everyone 10:10:37 From Caroline Humphrey : Sorry cant get my camera to work, 10:33:24 From Louise Venables - TSA : louise.venables@tsa-voice.org.uk 10:50:09 From Lindsey.Millen, Wiltshire Council TEC Advisor : Great opportunity to gather case studies - have you templates, resources, surveys that can support us in capturing and documenting ? 10:51:37 From Rowan Atkins - TSA : Hi everyone - please do get in touch with your stories and ideas for case studies or press pieces. My email is rowan@rowanatkins.co.uk and mobile 07834 158 725 10:53:57 From Rowan Atkins - TSA : Hi Lindsey - yes, good point, I can send through some templates and resources to help you gather case studies. I'll ask Jerome to share these with the group over the next week 10:55:27 From Louise Lee Specialist Housing Retirement Villages : Are all these events highlighted in the comms calendar Jerome? Just so we can be aware well in advance to plan work flow. Thank you 11:02:24 From Jeremy Porteus Housing LIN : How about a future TAPPI awareness week?!!!! 11:03:29 From Sue Kay - Dunhill Medical Trust : Great idea Jeremy 11:04:24 From Vikki Hiscocks (Pobl Group) : A really useful resource would be a master slide deck with some key info/messages that we can all use for external events e.g. all our logos, the TAPPI principles visual etc. 11:09:59 From Sue Kay - Dunhill Medical Trust : OO Vikki - that's a great idea - Jerome can we get on to that? 11:10:28 From Louise Lee Specialist Housing Retirement Villages : when we met with Pete and Jolie we spoke about a TAPPI info pack for older people, so we can share more about TAPPI easily. Information so far more for professionals. 11:11:15 From Sue Kay - Dunhill Medical Trust : @louise - that's a great call too. Noted - we'll get onto it. 11:14:06 From Rowan Atkins - TSA : Hi Louise - yes, we are currently developing a poster and postcard for tenants that explains what TAPPI is. I'm developing this with Jolie and Jerome. Should have this over to all 6 partners in the next few weeks. 11:17:07 From Sarah's iPhone : This has been really informative thank you I do need to drop off at 11.30 but have some ideas for Comms articles Rowan, Louise and I will pick this up and come back to you 11:34:10 From Rowan Atkins - TSA : Amazing Sarah - thank you! please do get in touch: rowan@rowanatkins.co.uk M: 07834 158 725 11:56:28 From David Fuente - The Community Housing TECS : Hello, it would be great to learn how the Aquarate links within the Apello System. 11:57:19 From Luke Gratton - Aquarate : Hi David, we would be happy to talk you through this. I can contact you off the back of this call if you'd like? 11:58:17 From David Fuente - The Community Housing TECS : Thank you Luke that will be great. 12:01:10 From Caroline Humphrey : We would be keen to hear about the Aquarate as well 12:03:59 From Luke Gratton - Aquarate : Hi Caroline, our Head of Sales, Cheryl Chapman, will reach out to you! 12:05:54 From Caroline Humphrey : Thank you 12:08:49 From Louise Lee Specialist Housing Retirement Villages : It will be really helpful to share assessment approaches and look to have a shared TAPPI TEC Assessment perhaps that can be available to all for the project and beyond. TSA already supporting with this and perhaps across cutting co-production opportunity. One of the challenges for housing providers is that most need to modernise locations, we are all thinking about design, specification, Technology, be great to share and support eachother and others beyond TAPPI2 to enable the best outcomes and impact 12:11:06 From Samantha Davies (TSA) : Hi Louise, we are looking to create an assessment tool within our Virtual House within this project. It would be great to get your thoughts on what you would like to see incorporated within this. 12:15:36 From Sue Kay - Dunhill Medical Trust : Another good point Louise which we'll endeavour to pick up 12:17:12 From David Fuente - The Community Housing TECS : Big phrase I am hearing is we are not looking to "re invent the wheel". Would be great to have a session to learn about what offering everyone has to see if we can support each other. Could be a market place type event, or sessions... 12:18:01 From Sue Kay - Dunhill Medical Trust : Good idea David - we'll see what we can do tp facilitate 12:18:41 From Jolie Goodman Co-Production Works : Lovely to hear @carolinehumphrey highlighting the co-productive stance! 12:19:55 From Luke Gratton - Aquarate : Should anyone wish to know more about Aquarate, please reach out to Cheryl@aquarate.com - brilliant discussions today. thanks all 12:24:56 From Louise Lee Specialist Housing Retirement Villages : Be good to have a TAPPI calendar, visual, so at a glance it shows reporting dates, events, key milestone/progress aspirations. 12:26:44 From lynned2 : thankyou it has been great to hear and meet everyone and listen to all the wonderful work planned