00:30:46 Sally Taylor-Ridgway - Housing LIN: Check out Louise's recent blog, titled 'Older tenants in social housing make up 40% of under-occupied homes': https://www.housinglin.org.uk/blogs/Older-tenants-in-social-housing-make-up-40-of-under-occupied-homes/ 00:56:11 Sally Taylor-Ridgway - Housing LIN: You may be interested in a recently published Housing LIN 'Inspirational Achievement' with East Midlands Housing Group, titled: Creating a feeling: Springfields leaps forward in extra care - https://www.housinglin.org.uk/Topics/Inspirational-Achievements/emh-springfields/ 01:05:34 Sally Taylor-Ridgway - Housing LIN: Ruth highlighted issues relating to procurement, sustainable development and retrofit, if interested in exploring this further, join us at Friday morning's session at: https://www.housinglin.org.uk/HLINSummit2023/programme/Sustainable-retirement-living-a-climate-for-change/ 01:23:45 Sally Taylor-Ridgway - Housing LIN: The link to the Planning consultation and accompanying survey that closes this week and Emma Webster referred to can be accessed at: https://consult.levellingup.gov.uk/planning-policy-and-reform/levelling-up-and-regeneration-bill-reforms-to-nati/ 01:33:35 Sally Taylor-Ridgway - Housing LIN: Check out Tony's blog, titled 'Downsizing… rightsizing: great theory, but where’s the product?' https://www.housinglin.org.uk/blogs/Downsizing-rightsizing-great-theory-but-wheres-the-product/ 01:39:42 Sally Taylor-Ridgway - Housing LIN: And Tony's recent Housing LIN Viewpoint (No 105) - Housing to span the generations: A 21st Century Almshouse for Bristol, can be found here: https://www.housinglin.org.uk/Topics/type/Housing-to-span-the-generations-A-21st-Century-Almshouse-for-Bristol/ 01:52:13 Sally Taylor-Ridgway - Housing LIN: We invite you to submit your question(s) via the 'questions and comments' link on this event's webpage where we can continue the conversation: https://www.housinglin.org.uk/HLINSummit2023/programme/last-time-movers-and-shakers-market-shaping-older-peoples-housing-/