00:28:18 Sally Taylor-Ridgway | Housing LIN: Find out more about Becca’s story here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GV43BMIlScc&t=1s 00:28:29 167020: thank you Becca i will watch your video 00:28:49 David Jenkins: Looking forward to watching the video 00:28:54 Aisling Butler: thank you for sharing the link, I will watch this to hear more from you Becca 00:29:09 166143: Thank you Becca for sharing this :) 00:29:51 Hannah Wilson: Thank you for sharing the video, I am looking forward to watching 00:30:08 Kelly Francis: 👍 thank you for sharing this 00:30:34 Sally Taylor-Ridgway | Housing LIN: As referenced by Lois earlier on, find out more about the Supported Housing (Regulatory Oversight) Act here: https://www.housinglin.org.uk/Topics/type/Supported-Housing-Regulatory-Oversight-Act/ 00:30:41 MarkPearce: look forward to seeing the video 00:30:46 Ben Wilson: Thank you Andy and Becca. Really helpful insights. 00:30:53 Hannah Wilson: were you given options about where you live? 00:31:14 Hannah Wilson: Were you able to make choices about what your home looked like? 00:31:40 Elaine Hollerhead: Thank you Andy & Becca - I am looking forward to watching your video 00:32:25 Caroline Ryan: Thanks both for sharing your stories and look forward to watching your video Becca 00:32:27 Sally Taylor-Ridgway | Housing LIN: Thanks everyone for your questions so far! Please do pop them in the Q&A box for our discussion later on - thanks! 00:32:47 Debs Quilgars: Becca and Andy, and Housing LIN, were co-collaborators in some research on 'Renting Your Own Place' with Universities of York and Bristol and Riverside and Learning Disability England - the findings can be found: https://www.york.ac.uk/chp/housing-health-wellbeing/learning-disabilities/ 00:35:29 Sally Taylor-Ridgway | Housing LIN: Find out more about the Learning Disability and Autism Housing Network: https://www.glh.org.uk/about/the-learning-disability-and-autism-housing-network/ 00:38:23 Sally Taylor-Ridgway | Housing LIN: Read the report, Supported housing for people with learning disabilities and autistic people in England, here: https://www.housinglin.org.uk/Topics/type/Supported-housing-for-people-with-learning-disabilities-and-autistic-people-in-England/ 00:38:33 Hannah Wilson: I am unable to copy the links in the chat, are these able to be shared via email following the sessio 00:38:38 Hannah Wilson: *session 00:40:32 Sally Taylor-Ridgway | Housing LIN: Hi Hannah, thanks for joining! Yes - you will receive an e-shot with a link to the recording, slides and chat box links tomorrow afternoon. 00:44:51 Liam: In terms of the under occupancy, do you understand why that is? is the accommodation appropriate for the needs of the people lacking housing? 00:57:47 Natalie: Just to clarify, for people who live in supported living who don't have capacity, a best interests decision is made as to whether inspectors should visit a person in their own home 01:00:43 Sally Taylor-Ridgway | Housing LIN: Check out Maggie’s Housing LIN guest blog, ‘Housing for all: a “Hub” for Better Living’: https://www.housinglin.org.uk/blogs/Housing-for-all-a-Hub-for-Better-Living/ 01:01:01 Sally Taylor-Ridgway | Housing LIN: And to find out more about Better Living CIO visit: https://www.betterlivingcio.org/ 01:08:46 Gavin Yates: John - The Housing Support Enabling Unit - in Scotland would be useful to speak to. I have contacts with them. They are under the umbrella of Community Care Providers Scotland. 01:09:07 Gavin Yates: https://www.ccpscotland.org/hseu/ 01:09:10 Natalie: CQC has a really great pre-application advice service, specifically for providers who are considering applying to register a specialist service for autistic people or people with a learning disability (as well as commissioners and other interested parties). It is on their website here https://www.cqc.org.uk/guidance-providers/autistic-people-learning-disability/right-support-right-care-right-culture (scroll down to the box at the bottom of the page) 01:12:47 Gavin Yates: Yvette is the Director and is very helpful. Her email is yvette.burgess@ccpscotland.org 01:15:25 tom rankin: My back ground is buying land and property for care homes & general housing as a chartered surveyor. I am new to this sector & have recently been looking for property for people with LD in a select few locations England for a client. Interested to find out who is providing bespoke housing in this sector in Scotland and to connect with housing network contacts. This is close to my heart for family reasons. 01:16:07 Ange Adams: I'm really concerned and saddened to hear about Maggie's daughters journey, i know we haven't got everything right in our borough but i feel we are years ahead of what is being talked about here. 01:16:33 Christine Towers: Andy and Becca, you are fantastic self advocates for others 🙂 01:18:26 Rebecca Potter: https://www.surreycc.gov.uk/adults/care-and-support/advocacy-services 01:21:52 Jo038355: I think its about having the option of your own front door within a shared complex, isolation is a real worry for individuals/families. I am just looking at a hub and spoke type model for LD in Gwent. 01:22:39 Sally Taylor-Ridgway | Housing LIN: Thank you for attending today’s webinar! The recording, slides, and chat report will be available on the event’s webpage later this week. 01:23:08 Gavin Yates: Thank you everyone. Some fascinating inputs and food for thought. Cheers Gav 01:23:16 Hannah Wilson: Thank you was really useful 01:23:21 Sarah TURVEY- MTVH: Thank you! 01:23:22 Sally Taylor-Ridgway | Housing LIN: Join us next week for a session on Remodelling Sheltered Housing for the 21st Century in association with West Waddy Archadia: https://www.housinglin.org.uk/Events/HAPPI-Hour-Remodelling-sheltered-housing-for-the-21st-Century/ 01:23:23 Liam: Thank you very much, really valuable to hear and thank you for sharing 01:23:26 Natalie: Thank you everyone! 01:23:27 Vicky Crookes: Thank you 01:23:30 Charlotte Downing - TSA: Thank you so much everyone - great session! 01:23:31 Susan Kernachan: Thank you to everyone - it was a very interesting session. 01:23:34 Rebecca Potter: Thanks all 01:23:41 parrys: Thank you 01:23:43 BRSS1RD: Thank you all 01:23:44 Yasmeen: thank you. this was really useful 01:23:45 Natalie: Very good reminder Becca :) 01:23:49 MarkPearce: Thank you - very interesting 01:23:55 BRSSRAR: Thank you everyone echo any and Becca's points about self advocacy who can support all communication needs