00:30:15 Sheila Peace: From Sheila Peace, The Open University 00:31:57 Sheila Peace: If you are interested in the lives of older Bangladeshi Probin living in both mainstream and supportive housing in East London have a look at the research hearing their voices on housing and health: on the Housing LIN 00:32:11 Sheila Peace: https://www.housinglin.org.uk/Topics/browse/HousingOlderPeople/DiversityMatters/amar-bari-amar-jibon/ 00:32:12 Gita Prasad: Thanks Teagan, did you encounter any obstacles from colleagues? 00:45:11 Sally Taylor-Ridgway | Housing LIN: Check out our Diversity Matters webpage where we curate a range of useful resources, case studies, research and examples of practice: https://www.housinglin.org.uk/Topics/browse/HousingOlderPeople/DiversityMatters/ 00:46:06 Sally Taylor-Ridgway | Housing LIN: And for further information around Intergenerational Housing visit: https://www.housinglin.org.uk/Topics/browse/Housing/HousingforOlderPeople/intergenerational-housing/ 00:46:07 duncan.may: I am keen to learn more on multi generational homes . In Gloucester we are keen to provide double occupancy homes for residents, 2 bedroom 4 person, 3 bedroom 6 person, 4 bedroom 8 person homes this is to accommodate larger families and to allow families to grow. We are encountering difficulty from HA's in providing these . We are sometimes being offered 3 bedroom 5 person, 4 bedroom 6 person homes etc. What are the presenters views on double occupancy from their organisations perspective. 00:48:31 Adam Thomas: Becky - just a nod to make sure the proposed plans are either wheelchair accessible or can be adapted. I specialise in multi generational kitchen design and you would struggle making the suggest areas building regs compliant. 00:58:07 Sally Taylor-Ridgway | Housing LIN: You can watch the video that Sherine talked about here: https://youtu.be/sSEDCDS-0A8 00:58:27 Guy Harris: That’s interesting, Lois. Asking people what they DO want rather than what they DON’T want. It’s often a harder question to answer initially, until people reframe change! These were all really fascinating talks. Thank you! 01:00:53 Lilla Vér: Thank you Sherine 01:02:14 Charlotte Downing - TSA: Sherine - just wanted to say it was fantastic to hear how you've brought co-production to the heart of what you are doing; listening to the people being supported is vital and this is such a great example of it working well. 01:06:39 Sheila Peace: Hi Sheila here. I would like also to add that Tower Hamlets has the youngest median age group of 30 years within England. Like Newham, Hackney and Tower Hamlets these are ‘young communities’ - this means that in our research we are talking with people aged 50 years and over . They have the smallest % of people aged 65 years + in E & W so speaking with people of a younger age group is important. We also know that we have had to gain the trust of diverse people across these Borough recruiting community co-researchers who have worked with older probin doing interviews in Bangla, Sylhet and English. Our Bangla Research Advisory Group has helped look at language when interviewing and also as we begin to look at findings where all texts are being transcribed. This is research that has to take time to embed itself. We are now forming a Professional and Practice Group from the four boroughs and aim to bring these groups together. Multi-generational living is coming up in pour interviews and I think we would need to look at double occupancy what is available, what needs retrofitting and how people can rent through double occupancy when they are social or private renters. 01:07:12 Sally Taylor-Ridgway | Housing LIN: You may find this blog by Gita Prasad titled 'Communal and intergenerational living in the Netherlands and Denmark' of interest: https://www.housinglin.org.uk/blogs/Communal-and-intergenerational-living-in-the-Netherlands-and-Denmark/ 01:09:06 duncan.may: Thanks Becky very useful 01:09:08 Gita Prasad: Thanks, yes it was an intergenerational community in Denmark 01:10:05 Manik Gopinath: Becky, as part of the research undertaken, what has been the reception to the mock up designs from the TH resident community? Did it include different age ranges? 01:14:44 Adam Thomas: In my humble opinion a property is not multi generational unless all could live in it. Its the wrong policy designing some that are wheelchair accessible and some that aren't. The whole philosophy of MGD is that you can be born in the property and live there with other generations till you die. you shouldn't have to move to another property if you develop a disability through age etc. the property should be designed in such away that the building is adaptable enough to allow a DP to stay there by for instance moving to a larger bedroom etc. 01:17:24 Adam Thomas: thank you. I enjoyed the discussions 01:17:30 Barbara Balocating Dunn: Thank you Everyone for a brilliant HAPPI Hour 01:17:38 Lois Beech: Thanks all 01:17:43 Sally Taylor-Ridgway | Housing LIN: Browse and secure your place(s) to our upcoming Housing LIN Summit 2024 - A Festival of Ideas: https://www.housinglin.org.uk/Events/Housing-LIN-Summit-2024-A-Festival-of-Ideas/ 01:17:55 Suzanne Kay Housing 21: really enjoyed this session. Thanks to all speakers for your time 01:17:55 Gita Prasad: Thank you very much for a very interesting and informative discussion. 01:18:21 duncan.may: Thank you , good stuff! 01:18:37 Rukudzo Munetsi: Thank you very much insightful and informative discussion 01:18:53 Helen Morris: Many thanks 01:18:57 Manik Gopinath: Thank you