00:24:09 329023: Hi I am Barbara Lowe Housing Manager for Methodist Homes for the Aged (MHA). 00:25:03 GThorpe: Hi everyone, I am Giulia Thorpe Design Intern for McCarthy Stone! 00:25:09 DanZampoli: Hello I'm Dan Zampoli I'm an independent living officer at South Holland District Council 00:26:24 Pamela Farquharson Nehemiah Housing: Hi everyone I am Pamela from Nehemiah Housing... BAME organisation based in the West Midlands offering housing for older people 00:26:33 Jules Robinson: Hello everyone, I'm Jules Robinson, Falls Engagement Lead from The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents 00:26:43 Shona: Hi All, I am Shona Forsyth, an access officer from Hampshire county council. I am currently working on a large programme to provide 3 new nursing care homes and 3 extension and refurbishments to existing homes in Hampshire. 00:26:44 Jane Berni: Hi I'm the Age-friendly Communities Officer for East Lindsey (Lincolnshire) and chair the local DFC Chair 00:27:13 GailRivett: Hi my name is Gail Rivett -Independent Living Officer for South Holland District Council 00:27:23 Julie Barrett: Hi. Julie Barrett here. Research Coordinator for the Housing and Dementia Research Consortium and Research Fellow at the Association for Dementia Studies at the University of Worcester. 00:27:29 Lyndsay Clelland: Hi all, I'm Lyndsay Clelland, Housing Policy Officer at Age Scotland 00:27:32 Joanne Kinsella: Hello, I am Joanne Kinsella, Housing Quality & Standard Lead at Housing 21 00:27:43 Steve Rafferty: Hi I'm Steve Rafferty, Director of Independent Living Standards at Erosh 00:27:55 Ruth Eley: Ruth Eley, Director of Together in Dementia Everyday (involvement network for carers of people with dementia) and vice-chair of Liverpool Dementia Action Alliance 00:28:04 wheeldonr: Hello everyone, I'm Richard Wheeldon from Housing 21 00:28:06 sara.demarco@brighton-hove.gov.uk De Marco: Hello, I am Sara De Marco, and work as senior architect in the Architecture &Design team for Brighton & Hove County Council 00:28:11 Katie Calvert: Hello! I'm Katie Calvert, Sheltered Housing Officer at Walthamstow and Chingford Almshouse Charity 00:28:22 John Bosco Tumuhairwe: Hi everyone. My name is John Bosco Tumuhairwe, a PhD student in Dementia Studies at the University of Worcester. 00:28:26 Bede Uzoegbo: Hello, I am Bede Uzoegbo, Housing and Health Project Officer at Kent County Council and Kent Housing Group. 00:28:27 Jerry Cowley: Dr Jerry Cowley, Mulranny, Co Mayo Ireland. General Practitioner. 00:28:40 phagurab: hello this is Lorraine Martin, Balwinder Phagura, Christine Hibbert, Marie Craig, Scheme Officer Nehemiah Housing Ass. 00:28:48 Victoria Alderton: Hi, I'm Victoria Millward, Director and Architect at Paddock Johnson in Port Sunlight, Wirral. 00:28:53 Angela Fulton (she / her): Hi everyone! I'm Angela Fulton, working at University of Stirling on the Designing Homes for Healthy Cognitive Ageing project (https://www.deshca.co.uk/) 00:29:06 Isaiah: HI everyone, my name is Gigi Mahor and I'm an architectural technician for Carless and Adams Architects who specialise in Care homes and assisted living establishments. 00:29:14 TerryannShaw: Hello, I'm Terryann Shaw, Dementia Strategic Partnership Manager at Kirklees Council, West Yorkshire. 00:29:45 JenniferD: Hi Everyone, I am Jenny Dexter, Service Manager for all extra care at South Yorkshire Housing Association 00:30:05 mirja.mainwaring: Hi, I am Mirja Mainwaring, Director at LSI Architects. We design and deliver healthcare projects, elderly living accommodation, care homes and supported living accommodation, considering dementia friendly design. 00:30:56 lhunte: Hi all, I am Lana Hunte Older Persons Scheme Manager at SW9 Community Housing. 00:31:13 price003c: Hi, I am Clare Price, Housing Assistance and Adaptations Manager at Stoke on Trent City Council 00:32:29 UKScavanagh: Hi everyone. I'm Stephen Cavanagh and work for Ascom UK. We're a global provider of solutions designed to support dementia residents to maintain independence, dignity and safety in a variety of social care environments. 00:32:45 Natalie.Parsons: Hi, I'm Natalie Parsons, Dementia Friendly Communities Coordinator for Merton South London (Alzheimer's Society) 00:37:27 Ros Murphy: Hi, I am Ros Murphy, Extra Care Programme Manager at Powys County Council 00:38:15 Kate Light: Hi I'm Kate Light Dementia Project MAnager for Powys County Council 00:40:38 Halima Yusuf: Hi everyone, I'm Halima, campaigns and engagement officer from Habinteg Housing Association 00:40:57 Ali Rogan: Here's the link to the DHWG Design Guide. Feedback welcome. https://www.housinglin.org.uk/Topics/type/Dementia-Friendly-Homes-Design-Guide/ 00:41:15 Kate Lester: Hi all, Kate Lester - Projects and Change Manager at Housing 21 00:43:43 Mariette Mason: Hi All Mariette Mason Interim Commissioning Portfolio Manager Ageing Well - Havering 00:43:49 Craig: Hi, Craig Entwistle, Housing Strategy Officer, East Lothian Council 00:43:59 adam cornish: Hi, Adam Cornish - Director at Studio Partington (architects) Will slides be shared? 00:44:01 Corrinne Askaroff: Hi, Corrinne Askaroff, Strategic Operations Officer at Housing 21. 00:44:46 Ali Rogan: Yes slides will be available on the webpage. thank you 00:45:37 Jessica Ettridge: Hi, Jessica Ettridge, Strategic Operations Officer / Digital Inclusion at Housing 21. 00:47:09 Sarina Kiayani: Hi I'm Sarina, Policy and External Affairs Manager at ARCO! 00:49:23 Ali Rogan: Hi all Thank you for the feedback so far. Please do add your questions for our speakers in the Q&A. 00:50:20 Shona: Mary, we love to talk about toilets! They are so complex. 00:53:18 Julie Barrett: Does a height adjustable toilet exist? 00:54:43 Julie Barrett: Yes, found some with Google search but are very expensive (£1,500-£3.500) 00:56:12 Ruth Eley: Push buttons really hard to operate! 00:58:00 Pamela Farquharson Nehemiah Housing:Can anyone recommend any staff training for dementia awareness training on line or face to face? 01:04:48 Wendy Wells: Brilliant thank you - interesting few stats there 01:05:19 Shona: Debbie, these are all really good points. We are discussing this at the moment within the teams. There is a proposal to introduce terraces so I would love to hear what advice you can give in relation to these. 01:05:28 Lyndsay Clelland: Hi Pamela, Age Scotland's About Dementia team offer Dementia Awareness training on a variety of topics, our partners across the UK may also offer similar :) 01:05:58 Joanne Gardner: Alzheimer's Society Dementia Friends awareness courses are a good place to start, you can find all the info on their website. We held an all staff event that led to 100+ staff becoming Dementia Friends. It was simple to organise and people received dementia friends badges afterwards. 01:06:28 Pamela Farquharson Nehemiah Housing: Thank you Joanne👍 01:14:37 Pamela Farquharson Nehemiah Housing: thank you Lyndsay👍 01:15:18 Sally Taylor-Ridgway | Housing LIN: Any questions, please leave them in the Q&A box for discussion later on! Many thanks. 01:17:22 Wendy Wells: Thank you Ruth! 01:17:26 Ruth Eley: that is so generous Jeremy - it was a good team effort in the head days of the National dementia Strategy! 01:17:36 Mariette Mason: Given we are about to see an expansion of house building with this new government how far can Planning Depts promote/ implement guidelines and best practice in new build estates and future care homes/Extra care? 01:20:43 Jennifer Bray: The DemECH booklets Jeremy mentioned can be found here https://www.housinglin.org.uk/Topics/type/Dementia-in-Extra-Care-Housing-research-findings-launched/ 01:22:46 Lyndsay Clelland: Just a big shout out to all the work Stirling Uni have been doing - absolutely excellent and looking forward to the next stages! 01:24:05 Lyndsay Clelland: If anyone is interested in adaptations research in a Scottish context, we published this research in partnership with Stirling University last year - https://www.ageuk.org.uk/globalassets/age-scotland/documents/policy-and-research/making-adaptations-work-for-older-people-in-scotland---age-scotland---university-of-stirling---may-2023.pdf 01:24:21 Ruth Eley: Great opportunities ahead - feeling optimistic is unfamiliar! 01:25:00 TerryannShaw: for anyone who hasn't seen it, here is the Kirklees Dementia Design Tool produced in collaboration with Stirling https://www.kirklees.gov.uk/beta/health-and-well-being/pdf/kirklees-dementia-design-guide.pdf aimed at making the built environment dementia friendly. 01:30:22 Natalie.Parsons: As a Dementia Friendly Communities Coordinator for Alzheimer's Society I still use these guides along with others regularly with community organisations and businesses, at a local level, so this is very helpful 01:34:08 Kev Nichol: Thank you to all speakers. Excellent Information 01:36:15 Julie Barrett: The Association for Dementia Studies (university of Worcester) posts of the dementia hub about help we need with research e.g. surveys, research sites. 01:36:22 Natalie.Parsons: I don't know if people know about this new Rare Dementia Centre in Bloomsbury London which will act as a hub for many people with young onset dementia in the region-set to open 2025? https://www.ucl.ac.uk/giving/news/2024/may/ps27m-gift-secures-site-world-first-rare-dementia-support-centre-ucl 01:37:57 Jane Berni: East Lindsey: I am a trustee for Bob's Brainwaves a local organisation. We have worked with a national organisation called Widgits to develop a 'signage' and activity pack for people with dementia. Its free to download https://www.widgit.com/success-stories/health-emergency-justice/bobs-brainwaves.htm 01:42:14 Craig: What is the link for the hub/ 01:43:42 Wendy Wells: https://padlet.com/dementiaandhousingworkinggroup/dementia-information-hub-xjd8kjnb88i2deg 01:47:51 Sally Taylor-Ridgway | Housing LIN: As referenced by Jeremy, Dementia and Town Planning: Creating better environments for people living with dementia: https://www.housinglin.org.uk/Topics/type/Dementia-and-Town-Planning-Creating-better-environments-for-people-living-with-dementia/ 01:48:29 Ruth Eley: Welsh Government is strongly supportive of social housing and has WG Housing Quality Standards that include environmental impact considerations 01:48:57 Halima Yusuf: Thank you all, brilliant session 01:50:57 Sally Taylor-Ridgway | Housing LIN: On the rural question more generally, there was a separate HAPPI report in rural issues. Available at: https://www.housinglin.org.uk/Topics/type/Rural-Housing-for-an-Ageing-Population-Preserving-Independence-HAPPI-4/ 01:51:08 Ruth Eley: tide offers training in the links between dementia, delirium and depression 01:51:31 Jennifer Bray: Marney - we did some work with Assura and Dimensions about dementia and neurodiversity to look at the design of primary care settings and a lot of the principles align with our existing environmental assessment tools https://dimensions-uk.org/dimensions-campaigns/mygpandme-campaign-health-inequalities/free-training-support-healthcare-providers/designing-for-everyone/ 01:51:51 Jane Berni: East Lindsey: Not training but one of the things I suggest to people who are keen to learn more is the go to Dementia UK Videos. https://www.youtube.com/user/dementiauk1 01:52:01 Debbie Carroll: Our garden study was conducted across rural - urban settings, across England and Wales . 01:59:28 Jennifer Bray: Quick cheeky plug for our PGCert which has a module on enabling environments... https://www.worc.ac.uk/courses/person-centred-dementia-studies-pg-cert 02:00:01 Ruth Eley: Alexa (other brands available!) is definitely a great resource. I was amazed at Wendy Mitchells description of how it had transformed her life 02:00:26 Natalie.Parsons: I'd love to see more public building like this!https://www.wimbledonguardian.co.uk/news/15915845.new-dementia-friendly-library-ready-open-colliers-wood/ 02:01:58 Ruth Eley: Excellent session everyone - thank you 02:02:03 Shona: Thanks everyone. Great session. 02:02:20 Gill: Thanks! 02:02:27 Jane Berni: East Lindsey: Brilliant, thanks, so much information :) 02:02:41 Jessica Ettridge: Great session, thank you. 02:02:43 GailRivett: Thank you 02:02:43 mirja.mainwaring: Really informative session- many thanks to everyone involved! 02:02:49 John Bosco Tumuhairwe: Thank you all. This was a very informative webinar. 02:02:54 Natalie.Parsons: thank you 02:02:59 Kate Lester: Great session, thank you all 02:03:00 Christine: Great session, thanks everyone 02:03:20 Julie: Thanks everyone for such an informative afternoon!