00:23:23 George MacGinnis - Innovate UK UKRI: Isn't the cost of mental health estimate meant to be billions rather than millions? https://www.centreformentalhealth.org.uk/publications/the-economic-and-social-costs-of-mental-ill-health/#:~:text=The%20overall%20costs%20of%20mental,having%20a%20pandemic%20every%20year. 00:28:13 helen.miller: What happens to mental health when the person moves to better housing? 00:28:59 Housing LIN | Sally Taylor-Ridgway: As referenced by Faye: Are housing circumstances associated with faster epigenetic ageing? https://jech.bmj.com/content/78/8/536.full?ijkey=xj4ey1oK87KmaCF&keytype=ref 00:29:29 Housing LIN | Sally Taylor-Ridgway: Read on about 'unravelling the Links between Housing Quality and Mental Health: It’s in our DNA' at https://www.housinglin.org.uk/blogs/Unravelling-the-Links-between-Housing-Quality-and-Mental-Health-Its-in-our-DNA/ 00:29:39 helen.miller: Excellent presentation from Faye. Will it be shared and will the links to the research function? 00:30:24 Housing LIN | Sally Taylor-Ridgway: Hi Helen, yes, all slides and links will be available on the event's webpage later this week. 00:32:03 Marc Sansom: Hi Sally, will we also receive a link to the recording? Thanks Marc 00:41:12 Housing LIN | Sally Taylor-Ridgway: Hi Marc! Yes - everyone who signed up to this webinar will receive a link to the recording, slides and chat box links later this week. 00:41:45 Housing LIN | Sally Taylor-Ridgway: Read Sinead's recent blog, 'Surrey's Housing Crisis: A Call for Unified Action and National Support': https://www.housinglin.org.uk/blogs/Surreys-Housing-Crisis-A-Call-for-Unified-Action-and-National-Support/ 00:43:03 Housing LIN | Sally Taylor-Ridgway: Residential 40-Year Reflection with P+HS Architects: https://www.housinglin.org.uk/Topics/type/Residential-40-Year-Reflection-with-PHS-Architects/ 00:43:03 Sue Missin: Are the Surrey new Extra Care schemes aiming to receive grant funding from Homes England? How are you working with the timescales of the 21-26 programme. I work for the Almshouse Consortium and we have a pipeline Extra Care with an Almshouse in Surrey, If the 21-16 programme can be extended beyond March 2026 we are hoping to submit a bid for grant from Homes England by Q3 00:56:16 Housing LIN | Sally Taylor-Ridgway: Further to Katie's presentation, you may also be interested in this guest Housing LIN blog on 'liminal space' at https://www.housinglin.org.uk/blogs/A-home-for-life-Understanding-liminal-space-as-a-place-to-just-be-in-later-life/ 01:00:57 Housing LIN | Sally Taylor-Ridgway: Alison referred to United St Saviour's and their scheme Appleby Blue. This was a recent Housing LIN Inspirational Achievement at https://www.housinglin.org.uk/Topics/Inspirational-Achievements/appleby-blue/ 01:01:18 Housing LIN | Sally Taylor-Ridgway: For more information on the ACR for the Future Project visit https://www.ustsc.org.uk/arc-for-the-future/ 01:02:36 Housing LIN | Sally Taylor-Ridgway: And for more on Almshouses, visit the Housing LIN's dedicated page at https://www.housinglin.org.uk/Topics/browse/Housing/HousingforOlderPeople/Almshouses/ 01:06:35 Calum Mattocks: Thanks- great answers. 01:11:34 George MacGinnis - Innovate UK UKRI: For Faye - to what extent have you been able to differentiate cause and effect for MH from poor quality housing? Are people with poor MH more likely to end up in poor quality housing - e.g. previous experience of homelessness, addiction etc? 01:16:25 Sarah Thorneycroft: Really interesting overview - thanks and apologies as I need to leave now 01:19:55 jack.bird: Excellent meeting all, sorry I do need to leave now, thank you for your time! 01:22:09 duncan.may: Thank you really interesting and food for thought . 01:22:13 Housing LIN | Sally Taylor-Ridgway: For all HAPPI Hour recordings visit: https://www.housinglin.org.uk/Events/ArchivedEvents/ In the meantime, watch this space for the launch of our Autumn/Winter series! 01:22:46 valerie.billings: Thank you excellent presentations. 01:22:53 Laura Warrener: Thank you! 01:22:59 Angela Fulton (she / her): Thanks to everyone! 01:23:21 Patrick Fowler: Thank you Jeremy and the team and all the presenters. 01:23:21 sfenwick: Thank you 01:23:46 Janet Sutherland: Thank you 01:24:04 Calum Mattocks: Thanks all!