00:30:02 Housing LIN | Sally Taylor-Ridgway (She/Her): Find out more about the Dementia and Housing Working Group at: https://www.housinglin.org.uk/housing-networks/dementia-and-housing-working-group/ 00:45:48 Housing LIN | Sally Taylor-Ridgway (She/Her): Greater Manchester LGBTQ+ Online Dementia Support Group: https://dementia-united.org.uk/greater-manchester-lgbtq-online-dementia-support-group/ 00:47:26 Housing LIN | Sally Taylor-Ridgway (She/Her): Link to Training Evaluation Report: https://dementia-united.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/sites/4/2024/04/Greater-Manchester-LGBTQ-dementia-online-training-evaluation-report.pdf 00:49:20 Housing LIN | Sally Taylor-Ridgway (She/Her): Pride in Practice training and support which can be tailored towards health and care professionals: https://lgbt.foundation/pride-in-practice-for-healthcare-professionals/ 00:52:58 Housing LIN | Sally Taylor-Ridgway (She/Her): For those interested in Diversity in Care Environments (DICE), this webpage shares findings from the Diversity in Care Environments research study, conducted by the School for Policy Studies, University of Bristol, in collaboration with the International Longevity Centre-UK and the Housing LIN: https://www.housinglin.org.uk/Topics/browse/loneliness-and-isolation/DICE/ 01:01:42 Housing LIN | Sally Taylor-Ridgway (She/Her): APPG Inquiry: Housing for those living with Dementia - https://www.housinglin.org.uk/Topics/browse/HousingandDementia/appg-inquiry-housing-and-dementia/ 01:02:39 Housing LIN | Sally Taylor-Ridgway (She/Her): Supporting People Living with Dementia in Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Communities: Key Issues and Strategies for Change: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Impact-Dementia-Minority-Ethnic-Communities/dp/1785923919 01:06:16 Mohammed Akhlak Rauf MBE: Minoritised ethnic and ethnically diverse and global majority are terms are being used. There is an interesting debate going on in some circles on this issue of identity and appropriate terminology. Great work @David. Great to hear from you as always. 01:07:56 Tristram Johnson: That point about writing allowing communication beyond what verbal could allow is a great point 01:08:23 Emma Smith: love your work Ronald!! 01:11:08 Rose C: Art is such a powerful form of self expression and creativity! 01:15:45 Helen Forman: This is so beautiful 01:15:53 Carla Preston: Ronald - you are an inspiration to us all! 01:15:55 Helen Forman: And wonderfully read 01:16:00 Leanne: beautiful Ronald! 01:16:23 Nichola Rigden: Wonderful 01:16:34 Vanessa Doidge: Thank you. Creativity is something I really want our providers to champion in services. 01:16:36 Rose C: Amazing poem, thank you for sharing 01:17:34 SPharoH: Apologies I have another meeting. Thank you to all 🙂 01:18:53 Randa Najjar: Wonderful presentations - thank you all very much. 01:20:24 Andy Wallace-Parkin: This is a blueprint for something I want to commission in Sheffield. Met with Adam & Amy and I am more focused than ever to see if Sheffield can follow suit. Lots of co-production to do and to make sure its the right fit for Sheffield. I'd hope it is. 01:22:09 Housing LIN | Sally Taylor-Ridgway (She/Her): Housing, Ageing and Care report: https://lgbt.foundation/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/Housing20204.pdf 01:22:41 Vanessa Doidge: This is an area I'm very interested in, especially within older ethnic minority groups for my part of London. 01:23:18 Andy Wallace-Parkin: I need to access funding for LGTBQ+ specific training for social care colleagues and support staff, as a local authority we are really limited on what we can do due to financial pressures (as with all local authorities) If anyone on this call has ideas on options, I would really love to hear from you. Thanks 01:24:36 DHill1: Im in surrey working as a live smart manager, and this is an area I am interested in learning so much more about 01:25:17 Housing LIN | Sally Taylor-Ridgway (She/Her): For more on dementia friendly design, technology and the built environment, please visit: https://www.housinglin.org.uk/Topics/browse/HousingandDementia/Design/ 01:26:09 DHill1: that's great thanks 01:26:18 Vanessa Doidge: Same for us Andy. I feel quite restricted on training opportunities for my providers, especially since one LGBTQI+ support service folded recently. 01:29:40 Andy Wallace-Parkin: Dathi, do you have any contact details for Howard and others in Sheffield? You are brilliant BTW! Loved your segment. 01:31:54 Emilyt: Hi does anyone have contact details for any support groups (online) for the LGBTQ people living with dementia in North Yorkshire ? or would it be possible for someone from this area to join in with the Manchester group ? 01:32:03 Helen Pratt: A huge thank you to all the presenters and chair, organisers. Such very powerful and inspirational speakers.. providing us with so much information for us all to take away. 01:37:20 ruth eley: fighting for care and support is a constant cry from unpaid carers 01:39:27 Andy Wallace-Parkin: This session has been so inspiring and listening to the challenges, the hope and the vision for supporting people is wonderful. Thanks so much to everyone on the call. Andy.Wallace-Parkin@sheffield.gov.uk Cheers Andy. 01:39:55 Emilyt: Thank you 01:40:13 DHill1: I can relate to that Cecilla, same happened to my mum last year, she had been through a war and should never of been treated the way she was.Like your dad she deserved respect. 01:40:57 Vanessa Pritchard-Wilkes (She / Her): info@sightandmind.co.uk , https://sightandmind.co.uk 01:41:18 Adam Preston (he/him) and Amy Davies (she/her): Really sorry but I'm going to have to head off - we're about to hold our monthly meeting of the Community Steering Group (this month's is actually on dementia!) so won't be able to stay for the panel I'm afraid. If anyone has any follow up questions on the Extra Care Scheme or LGBTQ+ training for care and housing providers, please drop me an email any time and thanks to all the other speakers - some fantastic contributions :) My email is: adam.preston@lgbt.foundation 01:43:18 reidyg: I apologise, I need to leave, thank you very much for all the information shared by those with livid experiences and professionals working to improve and support those on the journeys. 01:43:57 DHill1: This training has been an eyeopener in many ways for me, I am shocked and appalled in the 21st century this is still happening. I am really sorry but have to leave now, Thanks for the training I will certainly pass this on to other LiveSmart managers in the South region 01:44:12 sjbanham: Apologies, but i have to leave the group shortly. Thank you very much to all the contributors this afternoon - it has been inspiring and enlightening. I look forward to receiving the slides. Thank you 01:45:18 Andrew Gilliver (he/him): Apologies from me also. I'm at the same meeting as Adam and Amy! This afternoon has been really inspiring. So much fantastic work happening. I'm always happy to stay in touch with everyone. Thanks for today's session. My email: andrew.gilliver@lgbt.foundation 01:49:01 Emilyt: apologies im going to have to leave. Thank you this was really interesting and relevant 01:49:07 Tristram Johnson: Thank you well managed 01:51:51 Housing LIN | Sally Taylor-Ridgway (She/Her): The dementia information hub: https://padlet.com/dementiaandhousingworkinggroup/dementia-information-hub-xjd8kjnb88i2deg 01:53:26 John Bosco Tumuhairwe: Thank you all for the presentations. This has been very educative. I am sorry I have to leave now. 01:57:27 Christine: Apologies, I have to leave. Thank you for sharing some valuable information and I look forward to looking over the full presentation. 01:58:13 Housing LIN | Sally Taylor-Ridgway (She/Her): Intercultural dementia care guide with NHS England: https://www.england.nhs.uk/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/intercultural-dementia-care-guide.pdf 01:59:26 Ali Rogan: Fab session. Sorry have to go but thank you. 02:01:12 Stacy Cole: Apologies, I have to go thank you great content. 02:02:19 nicholsons: My apologies I have to go. Thanks to all the speakers, i have really found it thought-provoking. 02:03:15 Helen Forman: Thank you all so much for such an amazing session today. At West Yorkshire Combined Authority we have just published our list of recommended dementia-ready design criteria for general needs homes which has been adopted by housing associations in the West Yorkshire Housing Partnership. https://www.westyorks-ca.gov.uk/media/12886/dementia-ready-housing-guidance.pdf They are all low/no cost if incorporated at design stage 02:03:22 Housing LIN | Sally Taylor-Ridgway (She/Her): Thank you for attending today’s HAPPI Hour! The recording, slides and chat report will be available on this event’s webpage later this week. In the meantime, explore all forthcoming webinars at https://www.housinglin.org.uk/Events/ForthcomingEvents/ 02:03:49 Housing LIN | Sally Taylor-Ridgway (She/Her): And for the next Dementia and Housing Working Group HAPPI Hour webinar, sign up at https://www.housinglin.org.uk/Events/HAPPI-Hour-The-Dementia-and-Housing-Working-Group-presents/ 02:04:38 Andy Wallace-Parkin: The impact of dementia and the challenges in the residential market to meet needs/wants especially if the person happens to identify as queer is a real challenge as the market is so fixed in it's approach to care and support. I would love to see a systemic shift in approach and being genuinely person centred when delivering care and support. In Sheffield we are assessing new models of care and the potential of care suites 02:04:45 nicolc: Hugely informative and inspirational. Thank you all. 02:04:59 Vanessa Doidge: Thank you very much. Lots to digest 02:05:16 Helen Forman: HAPPIest of hours! 02:05:25 Jo Parr-Ozols: Thank you very informative. 02:05:33 Corrinne Askaroff: Great session - thank you everyone! 02:05:36 Andy Wallace-Parkin: We all need to be a bit more Dathi 02:05:42 TGriffit2: Thank you very much. Great session. 02:05:55 Rose C: Thank you so much, very informative! 02:05:56 Savaresemonkv: Thank you :-) Very interesting