00:25:34 Lois Beech: Welcome everyone! Looking forward to this session, please do put your questions in the Q&A box as we go along! 00:36:11 Housing LIN | Sally Taylor-Ridgway: As referred to by Charlotte and Emily: Blog - Building Healthy Communities through Intergenerational Integrated Housing Practices: https://www.intergenerationalengland.org/post/intergenerational-housing/ Talking Generations Podcast - Innovation in Housing: https://open.spotify.com/show/5H5sAGP8wl6w6Z8xEwtL0i 00:37:26 Housing LIN | Sally Taylor-Ridgway: Find out more about the Empower programme: https://incommon.org.uk/empower 00:39:39 Housing LIN | Sally Taylor-Ridgway: Bringing Generations Together: Unlocking Community Wellbeing with InCommon: https://www.housinglin.org.uk/Topics/type/Bringing-Generations-Together-Unlocking-Community-Wellbeing-with-InCommon/ 00:41:22 Housing LIN | Sally Taylor-Ridgway: Check out our previous HAPPI Hour webinar with InCommon on Why Intergenerational Connection Matters at https://www.housinglin.org.uk/Events/HAPPI-Hour-Why-Intergenerational-Connection-Matters/ 00:47:46 Housing LIN | Sally Taylor-Ridgway: Please do leave your questions in the Q&A box for discussion later on. Thank you! 00:49:13 ianjp: Lets get rid of outmoded "sheltered" and "retirement" housing and have mixed age community housing communities instead. 00:50:15 lyndseym: in South tyneside we no longer have sheltered accommodation, its independent living which has been a very hard message to get across to get rid of the stigma 00:50:48 Maggie Gilbert: Goodness! I have an excellent project for you all Please may I get in touch with you all after this event? 00:51:16 Maggie Gilbert: And definitely, "sheltered" housing should be ENDED!!!! 00:52:05 lyndseym: officially it has but not a day goes by when my unit isnt referred to as a care home..... 00:52:25 Lois Beech: Hi Maggie please do get in touch with an example. info@housinglin.org.uk 00:53:06 ianjp: Well done South Tyneside👍 ... but let's have just "housing" with no added labels of any kind ...👍 00:54:31 Housing LIN | Sally Taylor-Ridgway: Kampung Admiralty / WOHA: https://www.archdaily.com/904646/kampung-admiralty-woha Caring, the Kotoen Way: https://www.aarpinternational.org/File%20Library/AARPTheJournal/Kotoen_AARPTheJournal2018.doi.10.26419-2Fint.00001.019.pdf 00:55:23 Housing LIN | Sally Taylor-Ridgway: The living students of Humanitas https://www.humanitasdeventer.nl/english/73-english/194-the-living-students-of-humanitas Foresight Future of an Ageing Population - International Case Studies: http://www.cpa.org.uk/information/reviews/CPA-International-Case-Study-12-Intergenerational-living-in-Spain.pdf 00:56:09 Maggie Gilbert: Hi Louise x Jeremy knows us already! Our CIO is called "Better Living", and brings together all ages and also people with disabilities. It's the best way to eliminate the stigma attached to disability and age. I DO have "learned experience" to know that this scheme works. 00:57:06 ianjp: I recommend everyone listen to ITV's shocking insight into slum social housing - THE TRAPPED - by Daniel Hewitt ...just been issued ... it's horrifying. 00:57:18 Maggie Gilbert: Check out our website - betterlivingcio.org 00:57:51 lyndseym: 55 and over is a ridiculous banding these days, one of my colleagues said we have young old people and old old people if that makes sense 00:58:13 Sue Egersdorff: At Ready Generations we have been operating a nursery (The Nursery in Belong) in the heart of care village for two years and are working with a range of universities to collate info and data of impact. All ages from 10months to 104 years 00:58:13 lyndseym: my scheme has 40 years between the youngest and the oldest 00:59:41 ianjp: Absolutely right ... age is nothing but a number ... it has no bearing or indication of a person's outlook on life. 01:00:28 Matt Wood: Sue Egersdorff: Can you post a link to Ready Generations? 01:00:30 Sally Bird: You might be interested to watch this youtube video created by one of our members, Homeshare Oxfordshire, about the advantages of intergenerational living through homeshare. It's really inspiring! https://youtu.be/utn3ddWW-oQ 01:00:35 Housing LIN | Sally Taylor-Ridgway: Check out Amelia's paper 'A Village Apart' here: https://www.housinglin.org.uk/Topics/type/A-Village-Apart/ 01:01:44 Matt Wood: Great Stuff, Amelia! 01:02:31 Filippa Brundish: Thanks for all the brilliant presentations today. Sarah Mitten referred to current work being progressed in this area. Question: is there a standard (internationally recognised) benefits measurement framework that already exists for intergenerational programmes? I’m the founder of a non-profit called The Kindness Cooperation that is delivering intergenerational activities with schools and care homes in Sussex – and very keen not to reinvent this important wheel! 01:02:32 ianjp: APPG Housing and Care for Older People - just published its report - The Regeneration of Outdated Sheltered Housing - issued in conjunction with LIN. 01:03:49 Housing LIN | Sally Taylor-Ridgway: Thank you @Ianjp. You can find out more about the APPG Inquiry: Regeneration of Outdated Sheltered Housing here: https://www.housinglin.org.uk/Topics/browse/Housing/HousingforOlderPeople/ShelteredHousing/appg-inquiry-sheltered-housing-regen/ 01:04:41 Sue Egersdorff: www.readygenerations.co.uk 01:04:55 Sue Egersdorff: Or my linked in account 01:05:27 Maggie Gilbert: did you watch the tv programme "Old folks homes for 5-year-olds" It worked brilliantly 01:05:34 Marilia Pavlou - AHN: https://www.applesandhoneynightingale.com/ 01:05:35 ahardman: https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwipnbPLufqJAxWCQUEAHYm0JaMQFnoECCAQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fhdawards.org%2Fscheme%2Fmelfield-gardens%2F&usg=AOvVaw19WCgGgdmcP6RkbgqkmR8i&opi=89978449 01:05:41 Housing LIN | Sally Taylor-Ridgway: Apples and Honey Nightingale: https://www.applesandhoneynightingale.com/ 01:05:46 ianjp: This is a most refreshing approach ... thank you for all that you do with your excellent work... 💐 01:06:05 Judith Phillips: A developing example funded through City Region Deal funding- Intergenerational Living Innovation hub led by Stirling University engaging with business and housing developers to develop innovations in housing and communities. 01:06:55 ahardman: Just sharing our intergen scheme in Lewisham that's about to be handed over where we are partnering with Goldsmith University and post grad students. 01:08:14 ianjp: I'm connected with the APPG Healthy Homes and Buildings - see the Healthy Homes Manifesto plus the BRE Report into the condition of Britain's housing stock. 01:08:41 Josie Dorling - PBWC: We recently received planning for an intergenerational scheme called Polwithen House in Penzance, Cornwall incorporating an extra care scheme, care home, open market housing and a nursery on the same site. The existing care home on the site currently benefits from regular visits by the young children, including walks on site to help with physical and social mobility. 01:10:03 Maggie Gilbert: Hi and maybe your website?! Can I have your email please? 01:10:04 Sue Egersdorff: Sounds fabulous Josie! 01:10:26 Guy Harris: Great session and presentations. Thank you. 01:10:58 Emily Abbott: Intergenerational Music Making - https://www.imm-music.com/ Intergenerational England - https://www.intergenerationalengland.org/ Do get in touch: Charlotte@intergenerationalengland.org Emily@intergenerationalengland.org 01:11:26 ianjp: Would be very pleased to be of help. 01:13:00 Sue Egersdorff: We have developed a set of evidence based measures linked to an intergenerational curriculum and leadership competencies 01:13:07 Housing LIN | Sally Taylor-Ridgway: Find out more about intergenerational housing with Housing LIN at https://www.housinglin.org.uk/Topics/browse/Housing/HousingforOlderPeople/intergenerational-housing/ 01:15:25 Hannah Kayi Mason: It is about changing the narrative and our learning approaches - thanks Emily. 01:16:40 Carla Preston: Apologies I have to leave. Lots of stuff to think about though - many thanks. 01:17:09 Maggie Gilbert: Thank you Housing LIN - and excellent event and VERY relevant!!!! 01:17:36 lyndseym: there is also a confusion about housing benefit entitlement and service charges 01:18:00 lyndseym: 100% 01:18:21 lyndseym: but there are also benefits as heating costs can be included and fixed 01:18:25 Housing LIN | Sally Taylor-Ridgway: Thank you for joining today’s HAPPI Hour webinar! The recording, slides and chat report will be available on this event’s webpage later this week: https://www.housinglin.org.uk/Events/HAPPI-Hour-Living-Intergenerationally-finding-the-common-ground/ 01:19:10 Housing LIN | Sally Taylor-Ridgway: HAPPI Hour - Delivering specialist housing in a climate of growth: Planning policy and practice developments: https://www.housinglin.org.uk/Events/HAPPI-Hour-Delivering-specialist-housing-in-a-climate-of-growth-Planning-policy-and-practice-developments/ 01:19:24 Housing LIN | Sally Taylor-Ridgway: In the meantime, you can explore all upcoming Housing LIN events at: https://www.housinglin.org.uk/Events/ForthcomingEvents/ 01:19:30 ianjp: Thank you for an excellent meeting...👍💐 01:19:35 Hannah Kayi Mason: Thank you Lois. Lots of food for thought and good work still to do. Thank you for bringing us all together. All the best, Hannah 01:19:35 Matt Wood: That was a great session. Thanks to all! 01:19:41 Jane Berni: East Lindsey: thank you 01:19:42 Filippa Brundish: Thank you, an excellent session! 01:19:45 lyndseym: thank you 01:19:46 Jim Hudson: Great session, thanks! 01:19:51 Josie Dorling - PBWC: Thanks all!