00:18:00 Housing LIN | Sally Taylor-Ridgway: Government publishes the Older People’s Housing Taskforce report: https://www.housinglin.org.uk/Topics/type/Our-Future-Homes-Housing-that-promotes-wellbeing-and-community-for-an-ageing-population/ 00:26:15 Housing LIN | Sally Taylor-Ridgway: Find out more on Planning Homes and Communities for Older People on our dedicated webpages, kindly supported by WWA: https://www.housinglin.org.uk/Topics/browse/Planning/ 00:31:55 GaryD: Where do the WWA stats come from re planning consent records and average size of schemes? 00:35:04 Housing LIN | Sally Taylor-Ridgway: Ifti talks about the contribution of older people's housing to the local economy. This is something that a consortia of private OPH operators looked at in this report: https://www.housinglin.org.uk/Topics/type/Silver-Saviours-for-the-High-Street/ 00:35:26 Housing LIN | Sally Taylor-Ridgway: National Planning Policy Framework consultation out – an analysis by Mark Slater, Managing Director, West Waddy Archadia: https://www.housinglin.org.uk/blogs/National-Planning-Policy-Framework-consultation-out-an-analysis/ 00:36:31 Helen Arnfield: Planning should look at town centre OPH, however you state that brownfield sites are not large enough and greenfield is required. How will that work in town centre spaces... 00:40:56 ianjp: There are currently 1.5million empty properties across all tenures ... why? Could the empty social housing properties not be upgraded and made fully suitable for older persons...if not why not? 00:42:52 Housing LIN | Sally Taylor-Ridgway: If of interest with regard to town centre locations, the Housing LIN did some work pre-covid for Architecture & Design Scotland on 'a caring place' through the lens of intergenerational living. Available at: https://www.housinglin.org.uk/Topics/type/Town-Centre-Living-A-Caring-Place-Intergenerational-housing-case-studies/ 00:43:01 Housing LIN | Sally Taylor-Ridgway: And more recently, the WHO published a report on building age-friendly cities at https://www.housinglin.org.uk/Topics/type/Silver-Hues-Building-Age-Ready-Cities/ 00:46:13 tim.riley: Looking at projected demographic shifts over the next five years and occupancy figures, we will require 510,000 FEWER homes that will be occupied by people aged below 65 and 900,000 MORE homes that will be occupied by people aged over 65. This is not sufficiently reflected in planning policy currently. 00:50:08 John Woodroffe: Clarity on what should be expected in place with "close care housing" as a model for it to be considered as C2 would be very helpful to planners. To me it isn't clear exactly where this model sits within the NPPF definitions... 00:50:53 Dawn May: Agree with John's comment above. 00:51:44 Darryl Smith: https://www.gov.uk/government/consultations/raising-accessibility-standards-for-new-homes/outcome/raising-accessibility-standards-for-new-homes-summary-of-consultation-responses-and-government-response 00:54:14 Housing LIN | Sally Taylor-Ridgway: In relation to Duncan's question, the panel will respond but from a knowledge sharing perspective, the Housing LIN has a selection of resources on multi-generational housing at: https://www.housinglin.org.uk/search/?keywords=multi-generational 00:55:34 Housing LIN | Sally Taylor-Ridgway: The Healthy Homes Principles: https://www.housinglin.org.uk/Topics/type/The-Healthy-Homes-Principles/ 00:56:24 Housing LIN | Sally Taylor-Ridgway: Health, Hope and Prosperity: A Vision for Healthy New Towns (2024): https://www.tcpa.org.uk/resources/health-hope-and-prosperity-a-vision-for-healthy-new-towns/ 00:56:32 Housing LIN | Sally Taylor-Ridgway: Securing Healthy Homes at the local level: https://www.tcpa.org.uk/resources/healthy-homes-principles-a-guide-for-local-implementation/ 00:57:50 Housing LIN | Sally Taylor-Ridgway: TCPA Blog – Healthy Homes Principles, Inclusive, Accessible and Adaptable Homes for All: https://www.tcpa.org.uk/inclusive-accessible-and-adaptable-homes-for-all/ 00:58:27 Housing LIN | Sally Taylor-Ridgway: Rowan made an important point around more inclusive design in relation to people with complex needs, including people with a learning disability, mental health, autism, and neuro-divergency. The Housing LIN curates a design page on these at: https://www.housinglin.org.uk/Topics/browse/HousingLearningDisabilities/design-and-technology/ 00:59:02 Housing LIN | Sally Taylor-Ridgway: Rowan referred also to Oakfield in Swindon, this was featured in a Housing LIN guest blog at https://www.housinglin.org.uk/blogs/Intergenerational-Housing/ 01:03:50 ianjp: The Richmond Council document fails to mention there are properties owned by Richmond Housing Partnership which house older persons with substandard shared bathing facilities ... and which also lack any certified fire doors rated at FD30(S) ... 01:05:15 Darryl Smith: Agree with Rowan, There will always be a large unmet need of "specialist housing" including OPH until M4(2) and M4(3) housing is the default standard for all future housing. Creating a strong vision of housing that meet all of our changing life circumstances is key to future proof all of us. 01:15:34 Housing LIN | Sally Taylor-Ridgway: Thanks for attending today’s HAPPI Hour webinar! The recording, slides and chat report will be available on this event’s webpage later this week: https://www.housinglin.org.uk/Events/HAPPI-Hour-Delivering-specialist-housing-in-a-climate-of-growth-Planning-policy-and-practice-developments/ 01:15:58 John Woodroffe: We are very behind the loop when compared with other nations (US, Australia etc) regarding housing with care - we need to bear this in mind to understand how far we need to go to give people the diversity of housing options they need! 01:16:07 ianjp: As always .... excellent event ... thank you all ...👍💐 01:16:12 Housing LIN | Sally Taylor-Ridgway: In the meantime, check out next week’s HAPPI Hour webinar on Dementia Friendly Technology - Still Rising to the Dementia Challenge: https://www.housinglin.org.uk/Events/ForthcomingEvents/ 01:16:15 Leesa Hellings-Lamb: Thank you 01:16:55 duncan.may: Thank you , really good as always 01:17:50 John Woodroffe: Thank you all! 01:17:51 tim.riley: Excellent HAPPI Hour - Thank you!