00:24:38 Sally Taylor-Ridgway | Housing LIN: Find out more about this session’s sponsor, The Guinness Partnership: https://www.housinglin.org.uk/HLIN_Summit_2024/sponsors/guinness-partnership/ 00:26:37 Sally Taylor-Ridgway | Housing LIN: CollaborAGE Directory: https://www.housinglin.org.uk/collaborage/ 00:29:42 Maggie Gilbert: Happiness is one of the greatest influences on health 00:36:40 Maggie Gilbert: Also thinking positive and having goals in your life 00:39:01 Sally Taylor-Ridgway | Housing LIN: The Health Foundation’s report, Moving to healthy homes: https://www.housinglin.org.uk/Topics/type/Moving-to-healthy-homes/ 00:40:41 Sally Taylor-Ridgway | Housing LIN: And the BRE report Nick referenced can be accessed at: https://www.housinglin.org.uk/News/New-BRE-Study-shows-poor-housing-costs-NHS-14-billion-pa/ 00:48:45 Robin Darton: Discussion yesterday indicated that ICBs do not take account of housing. 00:49:41 Suzanne noble: Need to introduce some control on private rent to bring cost in line with social housing as most areas private rent is near to double the cost of social housing with annual increases above average. This makes the option even more difficult to bring in line with allowances 00:50:31 Sally Taylor-Ridgway | Housing LIN: www.lacnetwork.org 00:56:16 Sally Taylor-Ridgway | Housing LIN: Check out Nick's recent blog - Good Housing, a Cornerstone of Community Contribution: https://www.housinglin.org.uk/blogs/Good-Housing-a-Cornerstone-of-Community-Contribution/ 01:04:16 Sally Taylor-Ridgway | Housing LIN: https://collabhousingcare.blogs.bristol.ac.uk/ 01:05:14 Nick Henley - Cohabitas: It is apirational, but why accept the status quo? 01:05:57 Sally Taylor-Ridgway | Housing LIN: Thank you for all your questions so far! Please do pop them in the Q&A box for discussion later on. Many thanks. 01:10:09 Sally Taylor-Ridgway | Housing LIN: For more on cohousing, the Housing LIN curates a dedicated website with latest research, resources, thought-leadership and case studies at https://www.housinglin.org.uk/Topics/browse/Housing/HousingforOlderPeople/Cohousing/ 01:19:10 Sally Taylor-Ridgway | Housing LIN: A guide by UK Cohousing and Housing21, which Karen and Jim have written a chapter for: https://bpb-eu-w2.wpmucdn.com/blogs.bristol.ac.uk/dist/2/769/files/2023/11/HA-Co-housing-guide_2.pdf 01:26:30 Sally Taylor-Ridgway | Housing LIN: Lynn mentioned the number of older private renters. The Housing LIN has collated latest resources on private renting which can be accessed at: https://www.housinglin.org.uk/Topics/browse/Housing/HousingforOlderPeople/private-renting/ 01:30:51 Sally Taylor-Ridgway | Housing LIN: Housing LIN is proud to join Intergenerational Housing Steering Group: https://www.housinglin.org.uk/News/Housing-LIN-is-proud-to-join-Intergenerational-Housing-Steering-Group/ 01:34:17 michelle.brown: Thank you very much everyone. This was very informative and useful. Apologies I need to leave for another meeting. 01:50:36 Trish McCourt / EMCLH: Thank you for a really wide ranging and interesting session. Much food for thought 01:51:09 SS22357: Thank you all, very interesting and extremely informative 01:52:29 Sally Taylor-Ridgway | Housing LIN: Thank you for joining today’s session! We look forward to sharing the recording, slides and chat report with you later next week. In the meantime, we invite you to join us in this afternoon’s session chaired by Lord Best on Retrofitting to Adapt our Homes for 21st Century Standards: https://www.housinglin.org.uk/HLIN_Summit_2024/programme/inclusive-spaces-retrofitting-to-adapt-our-homes-for-21st-century-standards/ 01:53:09 Rukudzo Munetsi: Thank you for such an informative session