00:36:19 Sally Taylor-Ridgway | Housing LIN: Good Home Network: https://ageing-better.org.uk/good-home-network 00:38:26 Sally Taylor-Ridgway | Housing LIN: Age Without Limits: A new campaign that aims to change the way we all think about ageing and support a growing movement of people and organisations working to make society more age-inclusive.https://www.agewithoutlimits.org/ 00:39:24 Sally Taylor-Ridgway | Housing LIN: State of Ageing 2023-24: https://www.housinglin.org.uk/Topics/type/State-of-Ageing-2023-24/ 00:45:40 Maggie Gilbert: Thea element of choice is denied the majority of old people and virtually all people with disabilities whatever their age, and it must be restored 00:46:26 Sally Taylor-Ridgway | Housing LIN: https://marrons.co.uk/our-news/housing-need-2040/ 00:56:03 charlotte.millions: Useful data thanks! 01:07:29 charlotte.millions: I find it really interesting that technology is such a major part, as Michael mentioned in the earlier meeting this morning at ExtraCare we recently won an award for using technology to assist with healthy ageing, I really think this is a topic we should all be adopting. How can technology help us as providers to assist residents and our adoption of services. 01:10:52 Sally Taylor-Ridgway | Housing LIN: Thank you Charlotte. Building on Michael's session this morning and Vic's comments too, Wednesday's session on 'Navigating the Digital Switchover: Switching TAPPI' will go into greater detail on co-design and coproduction: https://www.housinglin.org.uk/HLIN_Summit_2024/programme/navigating-the-digital-switchover-switching-tappi-on/ 01:21:05 Sally Taylor-Ridgway | Housing LIN: For more information on marketing collated by Housing LIN, visit: https://www.housinglin.org.uk/Topics/browse/HousingExtraCare/MarketingECH/ 01:25:02 Jo Grainger: When we look at the UK and compare how later life housing is promoted we are way behind. In Newzealand / Canada/ America people can't wait to reach an age when they can move to Retirement Villages. Later life housing is on TV adverts all the time in other countries? Where do we see this in the UK? How would/could this help? The funding for our services are complicated and there are many variations of this , that is also difficult to describe/understand, depending if you are an owner/renter and whether you are self funding or reliant on Benefits? 01:25:03 Asmina: The only problem with trying to access activities in Care Homes is that they are no where near any transport - our Borough has started providing services in a care home and for me access that service I have to walk and walk and walk - bit difficult if you don't have the mobility - what is the answer I wonder? 01:31:06 Maggie Gilbert: Please check out our website - betterlivingcio.org It will demonstrate how transport is not the issue People ARE the issue and should remain the priority 01:36:29 Gill Perceval: Please keep ranting. Empty properties need to be looked at as a priority. 01:38:24 Maggie Gilbert: Why do they create ghettoes of old peoples homes? We should be INCLUSIVE! People need people! 01:39:31 Maggie Gilbert: Inclusivity is just as important as practical homes 01:41:25 Joel Cooper: Great question 01:44:01 HEFFROS: Thanks everyone for answering my question - Sam Heffron, Knight Frank 01:49:26 charlotte.millions: Thanks all! 01:49:52 Sally Taylor-Ridgway | Housing LIN: Thank you for joining today’s Housing LIN Summit session on Understanding Your Audience! The recording, slides and chat report will be available next week. In the meantime, find out what else is taking place this week: https://www.housinglin.org.uk/HLIN_Summit_2024/programme/ 01:50:44 Louise Beard: Thank you all great session 01:50:49 Celeste: Thank you! 01:51:14 Jo Grainger: Thanks for a great thought provoking session 01:51:20 Gill Perceval: Thank you 01:51:21 Liz Wilks: Thank you. very interesting and useful information which I will share with our team 01:51:29 Carla: Thank you! 01:51:35 Tim Riley RCKa: Thank you