Inclusive housing design

Inclusive housing design

Our services

  • Advice with planning, designing, building and managing homes that are intended to be inclusive for people with disabilities and older people
  • Advice for local authorities: need and requirements for inclusively designed housing, including accessible and adapted homes
  • Advice and support for housing providers: developing housing that is inclusively designed, including to the HAPPI principles
  • Practical support and guidance: assessment tools and processes, including use of aids and adaptations
  • Review of the use of Disabled Facilities Grants and other home improvement funding streams
  • Research and support for operators, commissioners and policy makers

Case Study

Adaptations without Delay


  • Royal College of Occupational Therapists

Our role


  • To review the use of the existing publication Minor Adaptations without Delay (2006)
  • To produce an updated version that has value to the key stakeholders across the UK


  • Developed a new framework for decision making about adaptations, Adaptations without Delay
  • The framework is intended to ensure a more responsive service to those needing minor works/adaptations
  • The framework provides reasoning to key stakeholders on adaptations that do not need an assessment by an occupational therapist and provide technical guidance on installations.

Other Housing LIN Consultancy reports in the public domain