Housing for older people in Scotland: A call for discussion

Housing for older people in Scotland cover

Scotland is ageing faster than other parts of the UK, and lack of planning for housing in terms of availability and accessibility will lead to people living in non-decent and unsupportive housing that negatively affects health, quality of life and wellbeing.

This summary briefing from the UK Collaborative Centre for Housing Evidence presents key topics for discussion that highlight housing for older people as a key priority area for policy and practice for the Scottish housing sector.

It highlights the acute changes that will drive this including Scotland’s demographics, the extra challenges for our rural areas and the crucial role of the planning system and cross-tenure intervention.

It also includes practical steps for the Scottish housing sector alongside key partners in health and social care that may want to prioritise, these include (but are not limited to):

  • A new housing strategy for older people with links to other strategies and Scottish Government Housing to 2040 ambitions.
  • Renew focus on Housing Need and Demand Assessments (HNDAs) to integrate the housing requirements of an ageing
  • population.
  • Link age-appropriate housing to a preventative approach with health and social care partners, including a tenure-neutral,
  • Adequately funded adaptations system.