The Healthy Homes Principles

TCPA Healthy Homes Principles logo

As part of their campaign with Lord Nigel Crisp for healthy homes, the Town and Country Planning Association (TCPA) have developed a set of 12 foundational healthy homes principles to ensure better and more inclusive health outcomes.

The 12 Healthy Homes principles set out that all new housing developments must provide:

  • Principle 1. Fire safety
  • Principle 2. Liveable space
  • Principle 3. Inclusive, accessible and adaptable
  • Principle 4. Access to natural light
  • Principle 5. Cut carbon emissions
  • Principle 6. Access to amenities and transport
  • Principle 7. Safe from crime
  • Principle 8. Climate resilient
  • Principle 9. Prevent air pollution
  • Principle 10. Limit light and noise pollution
  • Principle 11. Ensure thermal comfort
  • Principle 12. Genuinely affordable and secure homes

More about each principle can be accessed in the links below.