The Inclusive Housing Design Guide
The Inclusive Housing Design Guide is a revised and updated edition of the seminal Habinteg Housing Design Guide first published in 2002. The guide provides a brief and advice for all those involved in the design and delivery of Habinteg developments, informing new build technical standards and employers' requirements for accessible homes.
This new guide takes into account updated reference standards, specifically addressing M4(2) and M4(3) of UK building regulations. The proposed guide will provide the rationale for, specifications and technical guidance on how to deliver accessible and inclusive housing that is flexible and adaptable to changing needs.
With invaluable advice, insights, explanations and illustrations, it is an essential guide on how to deliver housing that is functional, inclusive and meets the changing needs of people of all ages.
Jacquel Runnalls, Specialist Housing Occupational Therapist with the Wandsworth Regeneration Team, presented the RIBA/Habinteg Inclusive Design Guide during a HAPPI Hour webinar titled "Embedding Accessibility in All Our Housing." You can watch the recording here: