Understanding the intersectional stigma of ageing, disability, and place: a systematic literature mapping review

Understanding the intersectional stigma of ageing, disability, and place COVER

Advocating a more intersectional understanding of how identity shapes stigma, this article from the Intersectional Stigma of Place-based Ageing Project (ISPA), published in Housing Studies, presents findings from a systematic review of research that has a combined focus on ageing, disability, place, and stigma across OECD countries.

The work, the first journal article from the ISPA Project, highlights the advantages of using a spatial approach to stigma combined with intersectional insights focused on age and disability. This includes the further development of stigma as a concept from the perspective of under-represented groups: older and disabled people.

The review's conclusions argue for an approach that will combine the strengths of the housing studies literature with understanding from other disciplines, including gerontology and disability studies, on the othering of older and disabled people due to negative societal attitudes.