From Doubt to Confidence: My Journey in the Future Leaders Programme

When I was first elected to join the Future Leaders Programme, I’ll be honest, I wasn’t sure I belonged. I questioned whether I had the capability, whether I could contribute, and whether I’d be able to stand alongside such talented individuals. But, despite my own doubts, others saw something in me that I couldn’t yet see in myself. And so, I stepped forward, unsure but willing to embrace the experience.

What followed was an incredible journey of growth, learning, and connection. Through the programme, I’ve had the privilege of meeting inspiring people, forming genuine friendships, and welcoming some of them to Tonic at Bankhouse on the Embankment, with more still booked to visit. These connections have been more than just networking; they’ve been conversations filled with insight, support, and shared ambition.

Perhaps the most surprising outcome for me has been the confidence I’ve gained—not just in professional settings but in everyday interactions with my peers. I’ve realised that many of us feel uncertain at times, questioning whether we are good enough or capable enough. But in speaking with others, I’ve come to understand that we all experience moments of doubt. That shared vulnerability has made me more open, more engaged, and more willing to take a chance on myself.

If you’re someone who has ever hesitated to put yourself forward for an opportunity like this, I want to encourage you to go for it. The Future Leaders Programme has shown me that growth happens when you step outside your comfort zone, that meaningful connections can form in unexpected ways, and that sometimes, others believe in us before we’re ready to believe in ourselves.

So take the leap. Build connections. Believe—you might just surprise yourself.

Sherine's blog is one of many by members of the 4th cohort of the Housing LIN’s Future Leaders Programme that we are excited to publish in the lead up to our 'sell-out' London conference – A Festival of Ideas: Age-Friendly Homes and Connected Community, taking place on Wednesday, 26 March 2025. We'll be joined by several of the Future Leaders who will be joining sponsor, Inspired Villages Group, that afternoon to share their sector leadership journeys.


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