Going Digital - Living Better for Less with Technology-enabled Housing

This “Going Digital” web resource has been brought to you via the ADASS Housing Policy Network, the LGA and the Housing LIN, to provide essential information for professionals in social care, health and housing. It contains answers to key questions around digital technology – why is digital important, how does it support policy and commissioning objectives, what is the art of the possible/benefits of going digital and how do you make sure you’re making the right decisions. With the digital switchover now extended to the end of January 2027, each section also includes useful information and signposts to relevant tools, resources and case studies to aid your learning and digital awareness.
And if you found these pages of interest, check out the TAPPI reports and resultant principles, detailing the inquiry held, coproduced research and testing the Housing LIN has undertaken with partners across six sites in England, Scotland and Wales to ensure the sector is prepared for Technology and our Ageing Population.
Browse these pages for more on ‘Going Digital’
- A digital agenda - Introduction
- Getting resourced - policy, funding & planning
- Smarter thinking - Commissioning
- The gallery - Art of the possible
- Knowledge exchange - Technology considerations
- Making the case - Benefits of technology-enabled housing
We are grateful to the ADASS Housing Policy Network, the Housing LIN and Tunstall Healthcare for compiling this resource.
Thanks also go to a wide range of sector representatives for participation in workshop and focus groups, including Kajima Partnerships Ltd, HB Villages, ATEL, National Housing Federation, Home Group, Tunstall Healthcare and the GLA.
To access more information on Housing and Telecare, visit our Telecare pages.
The Housing LIN has an excellent track record working with housing providers, health and adult social care commissioners of technology enabled housing and that supports independent living for older people and vulnerable adults in specialist and mainstream housing. For bespoke advice to help your organisation draw on the lessons highlighted on these pages and/or support with your operational and/or strategical plans, visit our consultancy pages.