- Understanding housing's legal obligations (ppt - 683Kb) (opens new window)
In this presentation given in February 2015, Tim Spencer Lane from the Law Commission outlines the legislative framework that applies to housing providers, including Care Act responsibilities and issues in relation to deprivation of liberty - Adult safeguarding self assessment checklist against the Care Act statutory guidance for housing and housing support providers (doc - 838Kb) (opens new window)
Produced by Imogen Parry on behalf of the Housing and Safeguarding Adults Alliance, this checklist extracts clauses from the Care Act Guidance which are relevant to housing and support providers, enabling them to check their compliance with the statutory guidance. - The safeguarding aspects of the Care Act 2014 (ppt - 273Kb) (opens new window)
In this presentation, Imogen Parry ex-Co-chair of HSAA outlines the safeguarding aspects of the Care Act 2014 and considers the implications for housing and housing support providers. This and the self-assessment checklist are intended to help providers address the safeguarding aspects of the Care Act 2014 and final statutory guidance. Opening the presentation in the notes format gives additional information. - Presentation Care Act Duty to Cooperate & Developing Partnerships - Nov 14 (pdf - 537Kb) (opens new window)
This presentation by Jo Cambra of Sutton Housing Partnership, and Chair of the HAASA explains specific aspects of the Care Act, in particular the duty to co-operate and partnership working in the context of safeguarding duties, and how these relate to the housing sector. - Housing engagement with Safeguarding Adults Boards (pdf - 445Kb) (opens new window)
The Care Act requires the establishment of Safeguarding Adult Boards with specific functions and membership. In this paper, Imogen Parry makes the case for the housing sector to engage with these Boards. She draws on material researched and written by her in early 2014 at the request of the Chair of the Department of Health Care Act Task and Finish Group on SABs. It outlines: the case for housing engagement in adult safeguarding; barriers to housing engagement with Safeguarding Adults Boards (SABs); the benefits of housing representation on SABs; housing related work by SAB Chairs and Members; options for addressing issues of representation by housing on SABs.
The intended readership of this paper includes all those involved in the work of SABs and senior staff of housing organisations. - The Care Act 2014 - response to the Department of Health by the Housing and Safeguarding Adults Alliance to Chapter 14 of the Draft Statutory Guidance (doc - 834Kb) (opens new window)
This resource outlines the views of the Alliance to the draft statutory guidance of the Care Act in relation to safeguarding. While the final Guidance has since been published, it provides a perspective on the Alliance's views on some key issues, so has been left on the website.