About the Housing and Care for Older People Research Network
The HCOPR Network was established in 2005 under the auspices of the PSSRU at the University of Kent to bring together researchers interested in the role of housing in social care. Up until 2011, the network provided a useful forum for the views of researchers but also intended to offer a means of communicating with commissioners, policy makers and end users. A record of previous meetings and related papers can still be found on the PSSRU website at: http://www.pssru.ac.uk/HCOPRnet/ (opens new window)
In recent years, the Housing LIN has worked closely with a number of the leading researchers in the field and also commissioned research to advance the knowledge and understanding of housing and care for older people. Endorsed by Professor Anthea Tinker at the Institute of Gerontology, King's College London, and with support from the Joseph Rowntree Foundation and the PSSRU, the Housing LIN has taken on the management of the HCOPR Network and is developing a new web 'platform' to record and showcase the latest research into housing and care in the UK.
Going forward
The network will seek to continue to support a range of activities previously undertake by the PSSRU, including:
- Information exchange via the Housing LIN's newsletter and regional meetings
- A directory of latest housing and care research projects
- Collate evidence, views and feedback from Housing LIN members to assist in research
- Support researchers cascade key findings and messages for commissioners and providers
- Suggesting gaps in or new programmes of research
- Link in with key research councils and funding bodies to help attract investment in research
To help bring us up-to-date with latest housing and care research in the UK, we have developed an online pro forma so that researchers can provide us with details of their current projects and/or published research since 2011 for inclusion in our new online directory.