HLINks: New blog, new resources, and news.

This week we have a new blog on technology enabled care, new resources, and our roundup of news from across the housing with care and specialist housing sectors.

New Housing LIN Blog

The Digital Difference: how the transition to Digital will revolutionise health and social care

Gavin Bashar of Tunstall Healthcare explores the potential impact of the UK’s move from an analogue to digital communications network, and how this could transform the way we support people at home with technology.

New Resources

The Best of Both Worlds: A Closer Look at Creating Spaces that Connect Young and Old

This report provides details for assisted living communities and identifies the four “pivotal” phases of developing and operating shared sites for intergenerational interaction.

Hidden No More: Dementia and disability

This 2019 report from the All Party Parliamentary Group on Dementia shines a spotlight on dementia as a disability. It seeks to enable people with dementia to assert their rights to services and for their rights as citizens to be treated fairly and equally.

Housing LIN News

Adaptations without Delay


After successful launch events in London and Glasgow last week, Wednesday saw the launch of Adaptations without Delay at the Welsh Assembly in Cardiff.

Julie James, minister for Housing and Local Communities in the Welsh government, spoke at the well-attended event. Also speaking was report co-author and Housing LIN Principle Associate, Ian Copeman.

The Northern Ireland launch of Adaptations without Delay is taking place at Stormont on Monday.

Housing for Older People

Design and Technology

Rural Localities Partnership


Housing LIN Events

Promoted by Housing LIN

Next Week

Next week watch out for a selection of new resources to coincide with CIH’s annual conference in Manchester and our South East regional meeting in Southampton.