HLINks: New HLIN report, new resources, and news from the housing sector

This week saw the release of the new report by the Housing LIN and Shakespeare Martineau, Shining a Spotlight on a Hidden Housing Market. We also have new resources, and our usual news from across the housing with care and specialist housing sectors.

New Housing LIN Report

Shining a Spotlight on the Hidden Housing Market

During January 2019, we conducted one of the most comprehensive survey exercises in the UK’s later living sector. The 200 survey respondents came from a variety of backgrounds, and included local authorities, registered providers, private developers, care operators and businesses in the charity and voluntary sector, as well as architects and designers.


This report from the Housing LIN and Shakespeare Martineau looks at the results of that survey and points the way forward to reinvigorating the UK later living sector.

New Resources

Guidance on housing for older and disabled people

This guidance from the Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government is for local authorities preparing planning policies for housing older people and people with disabilities.

Designing integrated care systems (ICSs) in England

A report from NHS England on the arrangements needed to build strong health and care systems across the country

A citizen-led approach to health and care: Lessons from the Wigan Deal

This report provides an independent critique of the Wigan Deal drawing on in-depth research, including interviews with key stakeholders, focus groups with members of the public and evidence from data analysis.

Design and Technology

Housing and Older People


Ageing Matters

Occupational Therapy

Scottish News


Housing LIN Events

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