Looking for a non-academic partner for the NIHR SSCR call?

Are you looking to submit an application to the National Institute for Health Research School for Social Care Research (NIHR SSCR) latest call?

The NIHR SSCR is inviting outline proposals (stage one) from Universities for research projects to address themes identified as priorities for improving the evidence base for adult social care. They are seeking innovative, original, high-quality proposals which demonstrate relevance for, and potential to improve, adult social care practice and outcomes for people in England.

The deadline for Stage 1 is 16.30 on Wednesday, 17 July 2019. Details can be found at: https://www.sscr.nihr.ac.uk/evidence/call-for-proposals-may-2019/


The Housing LIN has a successful track record as a non-academic partner on several NIHR SSCR housing and care funded research projects in recent years. And with our specialist sector expertise and understanding of the housing for older persons market and transforming care partnerships, as well as breadth of knowledge and information exchange activities via our 25,000+ members, we are able to help work to facilitate the impact of research into practice and influence policy development.

We are pleased to note that housing is recognised in this call and we would be particularly interested in working with a university to test out qualitatively the emerging collaborative models of housing and care settings for older and disabled people, including people with a learning disability and/or people with a Long Term Condition such as dementia. Do you have an outline research project that would benefit from the Housing LIN’s involvement?

Get in touch

With the stage one deadline a couple of weeks away, do get in touch so we can understand your research objectives and outcomes sought so we can see how the Housing LIN can best assist. Email us at: info@housinglin.org.uk

We look forward to hearing from you.