HLINks: New blogs, new resources, and news from the specialist housing sector

This week we published a blog by Housing LIN chief executive Jeremy Porteus, looking at the part that existing stock can play in meeting the growing need for specialist housing for older people. We published a blog on the need for a new generation of technology enabled care. We also published new resources, including a report from the APPG on Ageing and older people. We also have our usual roundup of news from the housing with care and specialist housing sectors.

New Blogs

Remake, remodel: How existing stock can meet the demand for specialist older people’s housing

Local authorities and housing associations own or manage at least £60 billion of existing specialist housing. While much of the discussion around the provision of specialist housing focuses on investment in new developments, this blog argues that utilising existing stock has a large part to play in increasing provision of much-needed specialist housing for older people.

Is it time for the next generation of telecare?

Adrian Scaife of Alcuris asks what do we need to do to bring telecare up to date?

New Resources

Inquiry into decent and accessible homes for older people

This report was published after an in-depth inquiry to understand the detrimental impact of poor housing on older people's physical, mental and social wellbeing.

The Housing LIN submitted written evidence to the inquiry.

Understanding Local Housing Markets: Advice and Guidance for Local Authorities

This report was commissioned by the Local Government Association. Its purpose is to provide local authorities with advice and guidance on how to best understand the various complexities within their local housing markets in order to inform their decision making.

Care Under the Rainbow

Care Under the Rainbow is a free online resource designed for promoting the inclusion of older residents who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans (LGBT+) in care and nursing homes in England and Wales.

Housing for Older People

Design and Technology

Health and Care

Looking for a non-academic partner for the NIHR SSCR call?

The NIHR SSCR is inviting outline proposals (stage one) from Universities for research projects to address themes identified as priorities for improving the evidence base for adult social care.

We are pleased to note that housing is recognised in this call and we would be particularly interested in working with a university to test out qualitatively the emerging collaborative models of housing and care settings for older and disabled people, including people with a learning disability and/or people with a Long Term Condition such as dementia. Do you have an outline research project that would benefit from the Housing LIN’s involvement?


Housing LIN Events

Promoted by Housing LIN

Next Week

There's plenty happening next week. Look out for the HAPPI award winners being announced at the Housing Design Awards; we have a new opportunity for you to be involved in crowdfunding series 2 of our YouTube videos; and we have a new blog on gardening in later life.