HLINks: #InspirationalAchievements #HLINblog + sector news

Housing LIN news


Rose Manor email

In our latest addition the ‘Inspirational Achievements’ gallery we put the spotlight on Sanctuary Group’s cutting-edge independent living development, Rose Manor.

‘You are too young to be thinking about this’

We are delighted to publish this guest #HLINblog by our London regional lead, Margaret Edwards. Here she shares her and her husband's decision at age 60 to turn their 1950’s house into an accessible home.


Housing and Older People

Health and housing



Health and Care





Events supported by the Housing LIN

Housing LIN - Job opportunities

Data analyst - recruitment
Are you passionate about analysing data, assessing trends and helping to inform intelligence-led decision-making?
The Housing LIN is looking for an analytical, thorough and enthusiastic person to join our small, experienced team. More information will be shared through our Network when we advertise the post next week.

Communications and Events Officer
Please note that deadline to apply for this post in Bristol is next Monday, 30th August at 5pm. This is a great opportunity for a talented, creative and enthusiastic person to join our small experienced team to provide communications and events managements input and advice to optimise the impact of the Housing LIN.
More information

And finally, please note that we will not be publishing a weekly bulletin during August. However, we will still issue alerts and tweet about latest Housing LIN uploads and other essential news items or resources. #HLINks resumes on w/c 3 September. Have a good summer!