HLINks – New Inspirational Achievement, #ForAccessibleHomes, and Housing LIN news

This week the Housing LIN published its new Inspirational Achievement, looking at the Arden Quarter from Orbit.

We also have details of Habinteg’s #ForAccessibleHomes campaign, and our usual news from the housing with care and specialist housing sector.


Arden Quarter

Inspirational Achievments badge email

Our latest Inspirational Achievement is the Arden Quarter, a stunning new development from Orbit, one of the UK’s largest housing providers.

Close to the centre of the historic town of Stratford-upon-Avon, and designed by award-winning architects PRP, the Arden Quarter features a mix of family homes, and general needs apartments, and extra care apartments.


This week Habinteg launched their 2019 campaign for more accessible housing for people with disabilities.

Using the hashtag #ForAccessibleHomes Habinteg are urging the prime minister to move forward with the consultation on improving the accessibility for all new homes announced by Theresa May in June.

Throughout the week, Habinteg have also featured a selection of blogs on their website from campaigners, the LGA, RIBA, and others, highlighting the need for more accessible housing.


Time For Action - HAA Manifesto

The Housing and Ageing Alliance has published its 2019 manifesto, Time for Action, which builds on three proposals that inform its policy recommendations:

  • To enable older people to live independently and well wherever they choose, remaining in control of their homes and lives;
  • To create age-friendly homes, neighbourhoods and services that enable people to live healthy, fulfilling lives, involved with families, friends & neighbours and contributing to their communities in later life;
  • To create integrated housing, health & care policies all aiming to enable people to live safely & well at home as they age.

Healthier and Happier

An analysis of the fiscal and wellbeing benefits of building more homes for later living

This new report authored by former Treasury economist calls for 30,000 additional homes for later living every year to boost mental and physical health of older people

HAPPI 5 selected as housing ‘must read’

Rental Housing for an Ageing Population (HAPPI 5) has been selected as one of the ‘must read’ housing publications of 2019 by the website thinkhouse.org.

All of the HAPPI reports can be found on the Housing LIN’s website.

Other housing for older people news

It’s not just younger people who rent – why the rental market for older people is set to grow.


Elderly & end of life care for Muslims in the UK

This report from the Muslim Council of Britain and the University of Cambridge highlights issues which are common to older people in society generally, such as loneliness and isolation, and others which are specific to older Muslims. The report explores a wide range of interconnected health, wellbeing and equalities issues, including the role of housing.

Relieving the Pressure on Social Care: The Value of Occupational Therapy


This new report from the Royal College of Occupational Therapists shows ways in which effective occupational therapy can benefit social care providers.

It focuses on providing personal support, supporting people in their environment through housing and adaptations, and ways in which people can be supported in their occupation and by keeping them connected with their community.

People Doing it for Themselves

This report looks at older people and people with disabilities who have sought to create positive social changes.

A second report will look at the implementation of the learning from thie report, and will include policy recommendations.

Regional News


Tackling loneliness ‘must be a priority’ as 282,000 older Scots feel lonely

New ‘state of the art’ flats in Galashiels to address needs of growing elderly population


Anwyl Construction Begin £3.2m Housing Scheme

Hospital to a Healthier Home


Housing LIN Regional meeting

Supported by Housing LIN


Next week sees the release of a new Housing LIN Consult report on Intergenerational Housing for Architecture & Design Scotland.

We will also publish a guest blog by Chandra McGowan, CEO of Whiteley Homes Trust, on identifying the health care system benefits of housing with care.

With Thanks

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The Housing LIN would like to thank Willmott Dixon for their support in producing this newsletter.