HLINks – New intergenerational living case study, new HLIN blog, and news from the specialist housing sector.

This week the Housing LIN published a new case study report looking at examples of intergenerational living schemes in the UK, Europe, and the USA. We also published a new blog about the health care system benefits of housing with care. As usual we also have a selection of new resources, all the news from the specialist housing sector, and forthcoming Housing LIN events.

New Housing LIN Consult Report

Town Centre Living: A Caring Place

This report, produced by the Housing LIN for Architecture & Design Scotland, provides 12 case studies of intergenerational housing drawn from the UK and internationally.

The report draws on Architecture & Design Scotland’s programme Town Centre Living: A Caring Place. The report identifies examples of intergenerational living and housing that are consistent with the principles of A Caring Place and identifies elements of these schemes that put these principles into practice.

Housing LIN Blog

Identifying the health care system benefits of housing with care

The Housing LIN’s latest blog is by Chandra McGowan, Chief Executive of Whitley Homes Trust.

Drawing on the recent report by the Housing LIN and Southampton City Council which demonstrated the savings to the health care system created by extra care services, the blog highlights the experience of residents of Whitley Homes Trust.

Housing for Older People

Shared Ownership Week

Yesterday marked the beginning of Shared Ownership Week, an annual event which promotes shared ownership models for buying a house. The Housing LIN website has several resources relating to shared ownership, including:

Other News

Health and Social Care


On Tuesday evening between 7pm and 8pm, an NHS improvement Twitter discussion took place. You can review the conversation using the hashtag #WhereBestNext.

As a signatory of the Health and Housing Memorandum of Understanding, the Housing LIN maintains resources relating to the links between housing and health, including an interactive map of hospital discharge schemes across the UK. You can also read a report by the Housing LIN for the National Federation of Housing - Home from hospital: How housing services are relieving pressure on the NHS.

To mark the close of last week's #ForAccessibleHomes week Habinteg published poll results finding that over two thirds of Brits say their homes are no-go zones for wheelchair users.


Regional News

Scottish News

Housing as a Human Right - Scottish Housing Day cover

Wednesday 18th September was Scottish Housing Day. To mark this day the Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH) Scotland, the Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA), Shelter Scotland, the Association of Local Authority Chief Housing Officers (ALACHO), the Scottish Association of Landlords (SAL), and the Tenant Participatory Advisory Service Scotland (TPAS), published a new report calling for the incorporation of human rights legislation in Scotland so that everyone has access to a safe, affordable home.

In other news, the Scottish government has published a policy briefing on its housing policy, Housing to 2040 – A vision for our future homes and communities.

West Midlands News

South East News

North West News


Housing LIN Events

Promoted by the Housing LIN

Next Week

Next week we publish a new guest blog by Claire Henry MBE, formerly Chief Executive, National Council of Palliative Care, on housing and end of life care.

With Thanks

The Housing LIN would like to thank Willmott Dixon for their support in producing this newsletter.