HLINks: New Housing LIN blog, new resources, and news from the specialist housing sector

This week we published a new blog about the right to accessible housing. We also have new resources, and our usual roundup of news from the housing with care and specialist housing sectors.

Housing LIN Blogs

An accessible home is a human right

The latest Housing LIN guest blog argues that accessible housing is a human right.

Lauren Robinson, chief executive of Darlington Association of Disability, writes that “an accessible home is, undoubtedly, the basic requirement for anyone to be independent”.

The blog argues that Disabled People’s User Led Organisations (DPULOs) have a role to play in providing housing that meets the needs of people with disabilities. The Social Model of Disability shows that housing has a key role to play in reducing the barriers to equality that people with disabilities face.

New Resources

Hospital to a Healthier Home

Hospital to a Healthier Home cover

This Care & Repair Cymru paper provides an evaluation on the winter pressures pilot last year, linking health and housing for older people.

It describes how the Hospital to a Health Home case worker service started, what type of interventions have been provided to patients and hospital staff, costs, benefits and the difference it has made to patient well-being, patient flow, quicker safe discharges of care, and preventing re-admissions.

Shared Ownership Week

Housing LIN resources on shared ownership

This week was Shared Ownership week and the Housing LIN has several resources on shared ownership.

Falls Awareness Week

Health Benefits of Housing with Care

This week was also Falls Awareness Week. Falls are the largest cause of emergency hospital admissions for older people. Over 65,000 people aged 60+ in England, Wales and Northern Ireland had a hip fracture in 2016.

The Housing LIN’s recent report Identifying the health care system benefits of housing with care, written for Southampton City Council, shows that housing with care can help to reduce the incidence of falls among older people.

Housing and Ageing

Design, Planning, and Technology

Health, Care, and Housing


Housing LIN Events

Events Promoted by the Housing LIN


Next Week

Next week, watch out for our Housing with Care ‘State of the Nation’ survey. Working with EAC, we want to take the pulse of planned sector growth over the next five years.

To coincide with International Day of Older Persons (1st October), we will be releasing a new #InspirationalAchievements featuring Legrand. And, the way telecare saved the life of a Your Homes Newcastle resident.

With Thanks

Willmott Dixon LOGO

The Housing LIN would like to thank Willmott Dixon for their support in producing this newsletter.