HLINks: New Housing LIN Viewpoint, new blog, news, resources, and events from the specialist housing sector

Welcome to this week’s HLINks, the weekly bulletin from the Housing LIN. This week we published Housing LIN Viewpoint 99, which looks at the Cockaigne houses, a pioneering example of co-housing.

We also have a new blog about intergenerational housing, new resources, news and features, and events from the specialist housing sector.

Housing LIN Viewpoint

Pioneer Intergenerational Co-Housing – The Cockaigne Houses in Hatfield

Viewpoint 99 cover

Housing LIN viewpoint 99 looks at the Cockaigne houses in Hatfield and reflects on what lessons we can draw from the scheme.

As recognised in the APPG on Housing and Care for Older People inquiry in 2016, it is a forerunner to the HAPPI principles and its attractive single storey design and build quality have stood the test of time.

Written for the Housing LIN by Richard Morton, of RM Architects, this Viewpoint asks what lessons we can learn from the success of the Cockaigne houses.

Housing LIN Blog

Intergenerational Housing

03_PRP Oakfield_Hub 225

Jenny Buterchi writes in this blog about how intergenerational housing can play an important role in providing a supply of quality housing for older people.

Buterchi looks at housing typologies developed by PRP to meet this demand, and the ways in which housing can place older people at the heart of our communities.

The focus on first time buyers has skewed the housing market and left a shortage of appropriate housing for older people. Attitudes are, however, starting to change, and investors are starting to focus more on specialist housing.

Housing, Community, Disability, and Ageing

Design and Technology


  • Planning Housing for Older People Developments Tracker - In association with the Tetlow King Planning, this document monitors current local authority planning consultations that may be of interest for those seeking to develop housing for older people. - Updated fortnightly. 


Dementia Survey

Health & Social Care


Housing LIN Events

There are no regional 'IdeasLab' meetings currently scheduled, as we are making preparations for our Annual Conference- Vision 2020: New approaches to housing in Manchester this March. Watch out for more details on how to register for our Annual Conference next month. 

Promoted by the Housing LIN

Training Opportunity

Autism - Some Different Perspectives. One day course, London.

Due to popular demand, we are delighted to now be offering 'Autism - Some Different Perspectives: A one-day course' as a group training session for individuals at our offices in Central London in April, 2020. Provisional Dates: Friday 3rd or 24th April 2020.

To book your place, or to discuss in-house training options (recommended for 8+ staff members), please email us: training@housinglin.org.uk.

Next Week

Next week we will be announcing the details of our highly anticipated 2020 Annual Conference.

With Thanks

The Housing LIN would like to thank Willmott Dixon for their support in producing this newsletter.