HLINks: Keep up-to-date with sector news, including on COVID-19, new Housing LIN blogs and much more

In last week's edition of HLINks I drew attention to the value of networking with the Housing LIN. This week I highlight how traditional styles of management will need to adapt to a brave new world post COVID-19. This will require greater organisational agility to:

  • respond flexibly to changing customer expectations and changes in our social climate, work patterns and economic environment;
  • adopt a more networked approach to cross professional boundaries so we can build new or strengthen existing relationships across housing, health and adult social care; and
  • gear ourselves to more inclusive leadership with a greater emphasis on knowledge sharing at all levels to accelerate and spread learning faster.

The Housing LIN is well placed to enable you to connect with people and ideas and to draw on our skills and resources to help you improve, innovate and co-design a better range of housing choices with older people and those with a disability or a long term condition. Get networked with us today.

Jeremy Porteus

In this week's HLINks we connect you to the latest news, views and resources on housing and care matters

New Housing LIN Products

This week, we published 2 new blogs:

Everybody needs good neighbours

Eugene Marchese

This new guest blog for the Housing LIN by Eugene Marchese, co-founder and director at Guild Living, highlights the pressures of loneliness and isolation brought into focus during the Coronavirus crisis as families and friends are kept apart.

Like many people all over the world right now, I’m staying at home

Laura Wood blog

In this new guest blog for the Housing LIN, Laura Wood, Co-Founder of Invisible Creations, explores the true impact home design has on our lives, and the opportunity for us to re-evaluate standards and design principles of age-friendly housing and designs at home post COVID-19.

Coronavirus Update

Latest government advice guidelines that are relevant for our sector include

And remember you can check out all key documents by housing, health and social care on our Coronavirus Info Hub as well as all our practice briefings and signposting to other useful information and websites.

Other relevant COVID-19 news include

The Housing LIN’s Jeremy Porteus was pleased to present on this week’s CIH webinar on the housing for older people and Covid-19. We will share the recording of the session as soon as it is available.

Specific advice guidelines that are relevant for our sector in Scotland and Wales can be found in the relevant sections further down.

Other News from the sector

Housing, Community, Disability, and Ageing

Loneliness and social isolation

And for more useful information on combatting loneliness and reducing social isolation, check out our comprehensive webpages.

Health and care

And as reported last week, we have added several new (pre-coronavirus) projects on our Home from Hospital interactive map for England. Developed by Foundations and the Housing LIN, this map highlights examples of where housing organisations and local services are, or have been actively supporting hospital discharges and helping to get people home.

Design and technology


Planning tracker

Tetlow King Logo

Older People’s Care Development – Local Development Plan Monitoring

In association with Tetlow King Planning, this document monitors current local authority planning consultations that may be of interest for those seeking to develop housing for older people. The tracker is updated fortnightly.


Welsh government have updated their Hospital discharge service requirements: COVID-19 which health, social care, third and independent sector partners in Wales must follow.. 

This and other Welsh government guidance on COVID-19 can be found at: https://gov.wales/coronavirus

Other news include:


Scottish government guidance on COVID-19 can be found at https://www.gov.scot/collections/coronavirus-covid-19-guidance/

It includes the recent COVID-19 Allocations Advice and Information for the Housing Sector 

In addtion, The Scottish Federation of Housing Associations have published various COVID-19 Briefings. The following are of particular interest to our sector:

Other news include:

Calls for info

Thank you to all who have contributed on our online forum to the ‘Urgent MHCLG call for info on Supported Housing’. The thread is now closed. We have summarised and fed back the comments to colleagues at MHCLG.

In order for you to raise and feedback COVID-19 issues and related questions that are important for your organisation and that you think should be brought to wider attention in our sector, including with MHCLG, we have set up two new threads on our forum:

The Housing LIN will share a summary of feedback with MHCLG.

Forthcoming Events

Housing LIN Events

In light of the coronavirus outbreak we have cancelled all our upcoming regional meetings and training courses until further notice. We are currently exploring how to hold these events online, so watch this space!

Supported by the Housing LIN

Next week

Next week we will be publishing two new guest blogs: the first by the Pretty Good Project’s Laura Wigzell on work ready housing and adapting the HAPPI design principle for work readiness. The second - held over from this week - is by the collective foundation’s Andre Damian and considers the value of different forms of co-living and how it has the potential to foster social connectedness. We are also looking to publish a new COVID-19 Practice Briefing (No5) on changes to welfare benefits.

With Thanks and Stay Safe

The Housing LIN would like to thank Willmott Dixon for their support in producing this newsletter.

Stay well, stay connected, be safe! And Happy Ramadan!