HLINks: Keep up-to-date with sector news, including on COVID-19, new Housing LIN blog and much more

Jeremy talks…

This week has been monumental with the toppling of the statute of the 17th century Bristol slave trader, Edward Colston. People have responded to the death of George Floyd in the USA by taking to the streets in protest. Despite lockdown there have been demonstrations in towns and cities across the UK. We have seen the emergence of Black Lives Matter when this community is at the forefront of the pandemic.

I was thoroughly absorbed by three young men talking about how this situation has affected them, giving an insight into their experiences of racism growing up in the UK over the last 30 years and links with their mental health. Listen to their conversation in this podcast.

And for a selection of resources on housing, ageing and diversity, check out our dedicate webpage, Diversity Matters. Or, if you would like to talk with us or share learning about involving BAME communities in your work, email: info@housinglin.org.uk.

New Housing LIN Products

This week, we published two new blogs:

Cohousing for older people in Wales: A fresh lease of life for supportive community led living

Allan Shepherd headshot 116

Allan Shepherd shares his experience as Wales’ first Cohousing Officer and offers cohousing as a model to be developed alongside older age care delivery, as informal care can keep people in a supportive home community for longer.

‘New Ground’ Cohousing Community, High Barnet: resilience and adaptability


With the Covid-19 pandemic in mind, Maria Brenton, Senior Cohousing Ambassador at UK Cohousing discusses the greater resilience and adaptability at the New Ground Cohousing Community, High Barnet.

Coronavirus Update

A selection of relevant COVID-19 news include:

And remember, check out on our Coronavirus Info Hub for a range of Housing LIN practice briefings for the sector and links to other useful information and websites.

Also, post or reply to questions on our discussion forum. It allows you to share information, raise issues and ask questions to solve a tricky issue. For example, can you share your organisation’s COVID-19 risk plan?

Lastly, have your say on experiences of end-of-life care during the COVID-19 crisis by taking part in this online survey.

Specific advice guidelines in Scotland and Wales can be found in the relevant sections further down.

Housing, Community, Disability, and Ageing

Opinion pieces and blogs:

Health and care

Carers Week 2020

We were pleased to support #CarersWeek this week and draw attention to the invaluable work that carers provides in specialist housing.

In other news:

Opinion pieces and blogs:

Design and Technology

Opinion pieces and blogs:


Planning tracker

Tetlow King Logo

Older People’s Care Development – Local Development Plan Monitoring

In association with Tetlow King Planning, this document monitors current local authority planning consultations that may be of interest for those seeking to develop housing for older people. The tracker is updated fortnightly.


 Welsh government guidance on COVID-19 can be found at: https://gov.wales/coronavirus

Other news include:


Scottish government guidance on COVID-19 can be found at https://www.gov.scot/collections/coronavirus-covid-19-guidance/

Other news include:

Forthcoming Events

Housing LIN Events

In light of the coronavirus outbreak we have cancelled all our upcoming regional meetings and training courses until further notice. We are currently exploring how to hold these events online, so watch this space! In the meantime, we are pleased to be involved/support the following virtual events:

Recover reset regenerate event June 2020

Recover, Reset and Regenerate

Endorsed by MHCLG, and hosted by Foundations, we are delighted to be a key partner, along with ADASS, in this national online event that will bring health, housing and care sector leaders to share insights and practice on the role of housing and community-based services in the reset of the health and care system post COVID.

Other forthcoming events supported by the Housing LIN include:

Online assessment service launched by the DLF and Carers UK to mark Carers Week



The DLF is marking Carers Week 2020 with the introduction of a new Carers UK version of its AskSARA online self-assessment service. The free-to-use guided advice tool produces impartial advice written by OTs about suitable aids and adaptations for over ninety topics of daily living.

Next week

We look forward to featuring Brio Retirement Living and their consumer insight work on better understanding their customers’ journey in our latest #InspirationalAchievements page.

And lastly, next week is Loneliness Awareness Week 2020. Further to the A-Z of useful organisations we collated at the outset of COVID-19, we are now working with the RHG to collate examples of activities that sheltered/retirement housing operators are running and/or facilitating to support their residents experiencing increased loneliness and isolation at this time. Email us your example info@housinglin.org.uk.

The Housing LIN would like to thank Willmott Dixon for their support in producing this newsletter.

Stay well, stay connected and be safe!