HLINks - Find the key to unlock your weekly round-up of latest sector news, views, resources and events


Welcome to #Jeremytalks and my weekly piece to audio to coincide with the Housing LIN's weekly bulletin, HLINks, week ending Friday, 4 December 2020.

With our week-long online Housing LIN Summit 2020 commencing on Monday to coincide with the first ever HAPPI Awareness Week, we are delighted that Lord Best wrote a guest blog for us reflecting on the tipping point for the HAPPI design principles.

Later this morning, Jeremy will be joining Housing Minister, Christopher Pincher MP, on the virtual Homes UK conference platform as the Minister announces the winner of the government's Home of 2030 competition for a future with age-friendly and zero carbon housing.

In other news, ADASS/Home Group published a briefing on transforming care and support for people with learning disability. We also responded to the government's consultation on accessibility standards and are extending the survey deadline for your feedback on RCOT's report, Adaptations without Delay, until 18 December.

In this week’s HLINks, you can also read our curated round-up of other news and events on later life living with regard to homes and communities, health and social care, design and technology, planning matters and more, including reference to a new Local Government Chronicle write up of a recent health and housing roundtable.
Check this out and register here to keep in touch with all our news alerts and other notifications of your choice, sent direct to your inbox. And remember you can also follow us via our Twitter feeds: @HousingLIN, @HousingLINews and @HLINConsult

Lastly, if you would like to talk to us about any matters highlighted, share learning about your work and/or discuss how our consultancy services can assist you, email ‘Jeremy talks’ at: info@housinglin.org.uk.

You can also listen to #Jeremytalkshere

Thanks for listening, stay connected and, above all, be safe


This week’s Housing LIN blog

HAPPIness: Lord Best writes…

Lord Best Headshot

In this blog, Lord Best reflects on over ten years since the publication of the first HAPPI report. After five significant reports, annual HAPPI Design Awards, this first ever HAPPI Awareness Week next week, and hard work from our APPG on Housing and Care for Older People, Lord Best asks: Are we winning? Is there now a widespread acceptance of the value to older citizens, younger families, and to the NHS and social care providers, of creating tens of thousands of purpose-built age-friendly new homes?

Coronavirus Update

With new stronger localised tiered arrangements now in place nationally, until Christmas, check out our Coronavirus Info Hub for the latest government guidance, a range of Housing LIN practice briefings for the sector and links to other useful information and websites.

Useful guidance & information

Government: catering and the new coronavirus regulations laid in Parliament
The new Health Protection regulations include an exception in tier 3 from the requirement to close canteens and restaurants for the consumption of food in extra care facilities, where it is necessary to safeguard a residents’ physical and mental health. As per the overall regulations, takeaway / delivery services are still allowed for all residents in tier 3. This limited exception for consuming food therefore builds on feedback and seeks to balance the overall risks in high prevalence areas with the risks to individuals with high care and support needs of not being able to eat in their usual setting.
Access the full published regulations here

And a reminder that the Department of Health and Social Care have extended their series of webinars on the new test and trace arrangements for the extra care and supported living sectors. More here

Lastly, do post or reply to questions on our discussion forum. It allows you to share information, raise issues and ask questions to solve a tricky issue. For example, can you share your organisation’s COVID-19 risk plan or information about how you are engaging with residents remotely?

Housing, Community, Disability, and Ageing

ADASS/Home Group Report : Transforming Care – how can progress be improved


It is nine years since the abuse of people with learning disabilities or autism or both at Winterbourne View came to light.  This ADASS report, supported by Home Group, looks at the challenges in the current Transforming Care system and asks how progress can be made.

In other News

Opinion pieces and blogs

Design, Construction and Technology

Consultation on Accessibility Standards


The consultation closed this week and the Housing LIN submitted a joint response with the HoME Coalition.

Adaptations without Delay survey extended

In partnership with RCOT, we have now devised this short survey and are interested to know how Adaptations Without Delay is being used by personnel involved in the home adaptation process, and whether the guide has been of benefit to you, your service and your service users. Please take part and have your say by 5pm on Friday, 18 December 2020. It should take no longer than 5 - 10 minutes to complete.

Appello launches DigitalBridge - an analogue to digital protocol conversion solution

DigitalBridge IMage

Appello launched today its cloud hosted convertor application, DigitalBridge, allowing customers to improve safety by diverting analogue Telecare alarm calls to the Appello Cloud where they are converted into digital calls.

Opinion pieces and blogs

Mental Health, Learning Disability, Health and Care

Opinion pieces and blogs


Housing and Dementia

The final session of the APPG on Housing and Care for Older People’s Inquiry into the housing experiences of people living with dementia will take place this month before digesting the evidence presented to produce its report for a February 2021 launch.

While the APPG’s current call for evidence is formally closed, do email us any examples of innovative practice for the Panel’s consideration at: dementia@housinglin.org.uk

Planning tracker

Older People’s Care Development – Local Development Plan Monitoring

Tetlow King Logo

In association with Tetlow King Planning, this document monitors current local authority planning consultations that may be of interest for those seeking to develop housing for older people. The tracker is updated fortnightly.


Flag Wales

Welsh government guidance on COVID-19 can be found at: https://gov.wales/coronavirus


Scottish Flag

Scottish government guidance on COVID-19 can be found at: https://www.gov.scot/collections/coronavirus-covid-19-guidance/


Housing LIN Summit 2020 – Reaching for the Top

Summit 2020 logo ealert sml

Our annual conference #HLINSummit2020 is starting on from Monday, with close to 800 participants! Places are still available! Do let your colleagues know as we are not restricted by numbers!

Spread across the week of 7-11 December, there are ten free HAPPI Hour sessions with two must-join topical sessions each day to choose from celebrating outstanding innovation, latest research findings, leading practice developments and sector thought-leadership, including a look at the sector transformation that has taken place over the last 9 months as a result of Covid-19. You can now choose as many of the sessions as you want to go to.

HAPPI Awareness Week

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And to coincide with Summit 2020 next month, we are also designating the week as the first ever #HAPPIweek. We want to further raise awareness over the 5 days about the virtues of designing ‘care ready’ accommodation and age-friendly housing services.

Join us for HAPPI Hour

We are now working on a Spring #HAPPIHour programme and look forward to sharing details of our exciting programme of b-weekly webinars early in the New Year.

Other events

We are pleased to be involved/support the following virtual events:

What’s in next week’s HLINks

And in next week's news, with our #HLINSummit2020 and HAPPI Awareness Week in full flow, we will be publishing our illustrated interactive CollaborAGE Directory of community-led housing and collaborative care along with a new guest blog by Tunstall Healthcare’s Zillah Moore. We will also feature the winner from the Home of 2030 competition being announced this afternoon.

Lastly, the Housing LIN would like to thank Willmott Dixon for their support in producing this newsletter.

Stay connected, stay well and, above all, be safe!