HLINks - This week’s essential news, views, resources and upcoming events from the Housing LIN


Welcome to #Jeremytalks and my weekly piece to audio to coincide with the Housing LIN's weekly bulletin, HLINks, week ending Friday, 11 December 2020.

All week we have been celebrating our rescheduled and reformatted Housing LIN Summit 2020: Reaching for the Top. With thanks to our sponsors and speakers, we have held 10 inspiring HAPPI Hour sessions spread over the 5 days to coincide with HAPPI Awareness Week. The feedback has been unbelievably positive. One delegate told us: “This is the best of all the virtual events I have attended since lockdown.”

Furthermore, we have broken our record of online attendance with 800 people signed up for our festive treats, nearly 3 times as many who would have attended our original annual conference in person at the end of March as Covid was taking hold of the nation. There are so many highlights from the week and, at the time of publication, the grand finale is still to take place with the last HAPPI Hour at 3pm today. It’s not too late to join us by simply signing up to it on our Events page.

On the publication front, we released an online illustrated CollaborAGE Directory, championing community-led approaches to housing and care. This builds on my previous blog and showcases a selection of stand-out collaborative approaches. In addition, we published a new guest blog by Tunstall Healthcare’s Zillah Moore on setting new digital ambitions and, stay on the technology theme, a new Viewpoint by Cambridge University's Phoebe Stirling and Gemma Burgess on what is the goal of advanced telecare provision for older people?

In this week’s HLINks, you can also read our curated round-up of other news and events on later life living with regard to homes and communities, health and social care, design and technology, planning matters and more, including reference the new testing arrangements for staff and residents in extra care housing and a new ARCO report entitled, ‘Coming of Age: Better Housing Options for Older People’.

Check this out and register here to keep in touch with all our news alerts and other notifications of your choice, sent direct to your inbox. And remember you can also follow us via our Twitter feeds: @HousingLIN, @HousingLINews and @HLINConsult

Lastly, if you would like to talk to us about any matters highlighted in this week’s issue, share learning about your work and/or discuss how our consultancy services can assist you, email ‘Jeremy talks’ at: info@housinglin.org.uk.

You can also listen to #Jeremytalkshere

Thanks for listening, stay connected and, above all, be safe!


New Housing LIN resources

New online Directory on CollaborAGE

CollaborAGE Homepage Pod

This new Housing LIN online directory captures in one place where you can learn more about community-led housing for all ages and how it works in practice. Released to coincide with Local Area Coordination Week, it sets out the main features of a collaborative approach to engaging current and potential residents in the development of housing and neighbourhoods and coproduced care and support. Tell us about your innovative approaches using this template so we can populate the directory further.

New Housing LIN blog - Setting new digital ambitions

Zillah Moore Headshot

In her latest guest blog for the Housing LIN, Zillah Moore, director at Tunstall Healthcare discusses the potential for smart homes and mobilising new technologies in a connected world to support healthy ageing, independence and wellbeing. In it she draws attention to their TEC work with Nottingham City Homes and Bolton NHS Foundation respectively.

New Housing LIN Viewpoint - What is the goal of advanced telecare provision for older people?


This new Viewpoint by the University of Cambridge’s Centre for Housing and Planning Research draws on their recent research and suggests that there is a discrepancy in opinion about what telecare is for. It finds that telecare designers, suppliers and manufacturers, local authorities, housing providers, users of telecare, their families and carers, all hold a range of goals for the use of advanced telecare. How these goals are held in tension and how they impact the definition of successful provision are discussed in this piece for the Housing LIN.

Housing LIN Summit 2020 – Reaching for the Top

Summit logo 2020 ealert sml

Celebrating outstanding innovation, latest research findings, leading practice developments and sector thought-leadership, you can now watch/listen again to all the HAPPI Hour sessions that have so far taken place this week under the link below.

Coronavirus Update

With new stronger localised tiered arrangements now in place nationally, until Christmas, check out our Coronavirus Info Hub for the latest government guidance, a range of Housing LIN practice briefings for the sector and links to other useful information and websites.

Useful guidance & information

And a reminder that the Department of Health and Social Care have extended their series of webinars on the new test and trace arrangements for the extra care and supported living sectors. More at: DHSC Extra Care and Supported Living webinar series throughout December

Lastly, do post or reply to questions on our discussion forum. It allows you to share information, raise issues and ask questions to solve a tricky issue. For example, can you share your organisation’s COVID-19 risk plan or information about how you are engaging with residents remotely?

Housing, Community, Disability, and Ageing

Two Home of 2030 winners announced

On Friday, the Housing Minister, Christopher Pincher MP, announced the joint winners of the Home of 2030 competition at the virtual Homes UK conference. They are +Home - headed up by igloo - and Connector Housing - headed up by Openstudio.

The +Home scheme proposes a HAPPI influenced age-friendly, community-led self-build homes in Sunderland that people can design themselves. Connector Housing is a flexible and adaptable system for accessible, multi-generational housing and neighbourhoods that can meet the changing needs of occupiers. The winners and other four shortlisted teams will now be invited to meet Homes England's development partners to discuss their ideas and put into practice.  And Homes England are now inviting expressions of interest from their Delivery Partner Panel members to partner with the Home of 2030 finalists to deliver their ideas on site - EOIs must be submitted by Friday, 8th January. More info here.

Coming of Age: Better Housing Options for Older People


A new survey and recommendations published by ARCO shows that nearly 90% of people think the Government should widen housing options for older people – including those with care, and that more than half of older people are interested in moving but lack good local downsizing options.

In other News

Opinion pieces and blogs

Design, Construction and Technology

Adaptations without Delay: Final Week

In partnership with RCOT, we have devised this short survey and are interested to know how Adaptations Without Delay is being used in the home adaptation process, and whether the guide has been of benefit to you, your service and your service users. Please take part and have your say by 5pm on Friday, 18 December 2020. It should take no longer than 5 - 10 minutes to complete.

In other News

Opinion pieces and blogs

Mental Health, Learning Disability, Health and Care

Opinion pieces and blogs


Housing and Dementia

APPG Housing and Care for Older People

The final session of the APPG on Housing and Care for Older People’s Inquiry into the housing experiences of people living with dementia will take place next week before digesting the evidence presented to produce a final report for a February 2021 launch.

While the APPG’s current call for evidence is formally closed, do email us any examples of innovative practice for the Panel’s consideration at: dementia@housinglin.org.uk.

In other News


Planning tracker

Tetlow King Logo

Older People’s Care Development – Local Development Plan Monitoring

In association with Tetlow King Planning, this document monitors current local authority planning consultations that may be of interest for those seeking to develop housing for older people. The tracker is updated fortnightly.

Wales and Scotland

Flag Wales

Welsh government guidance on COVID-19 can be found at: https://gov.wales/coronavirus

Scottish Flag

Scottish government guidance on COVID-19 can be found at https://www.gov.scot/collections/coronavirus-covid-19-guidance/


Preparing our spring HAPPI Hour series

HAPPI Hour 4pm logo sml

We are now working on a new #HAPPIHour digital programme and look forward to sharing details of our exciting programme of webinars early in the New Year.

Other events

We are pleased to be involved/support the following virtual event:

What’s in news next week?

In next week's HLINks, our last in 2020, we will be publishing a new #InspirationalAchievements from C&CHT on the latest developments at their new development in St John’s Wood. We also have a guest blog by Jenny Pannell on almshouses to coincide with a new report by RICS. And also watch out for the notification of a new survey we will be undertaking with partners on the retirement village and extra care housing sector’s experiences and learning from the challenges of Covid.

Please also note that next week’s HLINks will be the last of 2020 and we will be resume our weekly bulletin on Friday, 8 January 2021.

Lastly, the Housing LIN would like to thank Willmott Dixon for their support in producing this newsletter.

Stay connected, stay well and, above all, be safe!