HLINKs - Housing LIN's weekly update at your fingertips

Welcome to #Jeremytalks and our must-read weekly bulletin, HLINks, week-ending Friday, 5 November 2021.

This is where you can take a tour of relevant resources and events on later life housing and independent living with regard to homes and communities, health and social care, design and technology, dementia, planning matters and more.

For example, following last week's TAPPI launch, we're excited to share two new Housing LIN guest blogs from two TAPPI Panel members, Julia Ashley, Chief Executive, Central and Cecil (C&C) and Alyson Scurfield, Chief Executive, TSA - The Voice of Technology Enabled Care. On reflection of their experience as panel members, Julia reveals how the learning from the Inquiry has supported their own digital journey, while Alyson explains what we need to do to create a system where people and professionals use, trust and love technology so it becomes a key part of a preventative health and social care system. 

In addition, we kick off the week with a guest blog from Sarah Burgess on robust sales and marketing planning this Autumn, ahead of this week's HAPPI Hour entitled, 'From Moving On to Moving In'. We heard from a great selection of speakers about their personal, operational, research and practice experience about downsizing. Please note that this session was the last HAPPI Hour of the year. We look forward to announcing our Spring programme in due course.

And, if you missed last week's announcement about next month's virtual Housing LIN Summit - A Festival of Ideas, we have updated our home page and created this 30 seconds animation to help promote the variety of sessions taking place that week! Please book your places and share details with your colleagues and networks. It would be great to beat the 900 people who joined us during last year's Summit! 

We also highlight a range of items that we think will be of interest to you, including:

Keep up-to-date with the latest on housing and care matters and register here to receive other notifications of your choice, sent direct to your inbox. And remember you can also follow us via our Twitter feeds: @HousingLIN, @HLINComms and @HLINConsult.

If you would like to talk to us about any matters highlighted in this week’s issue, share learning about your work and/or discuss how you can engage our highly regarded consultancy services to support you, email  ‘Jeremy talks’ at: info@housinglin.org.uk

Stay connected and remain safe.



Marketing retirement housing for sale: Are you ready for 2022?

Sarah Burgess blog

Ahead of Tuesday’s HAPPIHour, we published a Housing LIN guest blog by Sarah Burgess, an independent consultant to the later living sector, who provides key considerations to help support robust sales and marketing planning this autumn as we start forecasting and prepping for the next financial year.

TAPPI, C&C and Aster - progressing with technology for a brighter future

Blog Julia Ashley

In this Housing LIN guest blog by TAPPI Panel member, Julia Ashley, Chief Executive at Central and Cecil (C&C), reflects on her experience as a panel member, and reveals how the learning from the Inquiry has both supported their own digital journey and brought new insights from a diverse range of individuals and organisations.

Why we all need to tap into TAPPI

In this Housing LIN guest blog, Alyson Scurfield, Chief Executive at TEC Services Association, reflects on her experience as a TAPPI Panel member and explains what we need to do to create a system where people and professionals use, trust and love technology so it becomes a key part of a preventative health and social care system.  

Just out! Watch our Housing LIN Summit 2021 promo video!

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Ahead of this year's Summit, the Housing LIN has made this short animation to help promote the variety of sessions taking place that week. Take a look and please share amongst your partners and practitioner networks. 

The Housing LIN Summit - A Festival of Ideas – marking our 10th Anniversary - returns week commencing Monday, 6 December for five days of inspiring conversations in a virtual format with influential figures from the housing and care industries.

To coincide with HAPPI Awareness Week, we’ve got a great line-up each day showcasing the latest in thought-leadership, highlighting product and service innovations, as well as bringing you cutting-edge research and practice development for the UK’s housing with care sector. Lots for you to choose from!


And, in case you missed it, we have made the exciting decision to change our Twitter handle from @HousingLINews to @HLINComms to better reflect the scope of information we share.


Cover RE-COV Study

Check out current and relevant sector guidance on the pandemic on our Coronavirus Info Hub.

You can also find out more about the recent launch of the St Monica Trust/Housing LIN RE-COV Study, on COVID-19 and its impact on the retirement village and extra care housing sector.

Housing, Community, Disability, and Ageing

ARCO have launched a new term for our sector – Integrated Retirement Community

Responding to research on the views of older people which showed that they were ‘fed up’ with outdated terminology, ARCO have launched the new term to describe their service-led operational model.

Integrated Retirement Communities offer older people the opportunity to live independently in their own home as part of a wider community, where lifestyle, wellbeing and care services are available to support people’s independence and aspirations. 

What else caught our interest?

Design, Construction, Planning and Technology

Using design to innovate more effectively in the healthy ageing sector

Using design to innovate more effectively in the healthy ageing sector cover

This report describes the key insights from a programme of activity rolled out to increase the understanding of design amongst solution providers in the healthy ageing market.

The report says that despite the increasing awareness of the strategic role design can play, most enterprises are still engaging with design at its most basic level.

While aware of its potential, most ventures are unaware how to leverage strategic design thinking to accelerate growth.

What else caught our interest?

Health and Social Care, Mental Health and Learning Disability

Integrated Care in England – what can we Learn from a Decade of National Pilot Programmes?

Integrated Care in England – what can we Learn from a Decade of National Pilot Programmes cover

For more than a decade the English NHS has pursued integrated care through three national pilot programmes.

The independent evaluators of these programmes here identify several common themes that inform the development of integrated care.

The policy paper reflects on the three national pilot programmes, revealing key themes identified through evaluation and  what thee pilot programmes achieved.

EU Settlement Scheme – Latest Updates


It is just over 4 months since the deadline passed for applications to the EU Settlement Scheme. Whilst many EU/EEA nationals continue to be awarded an immigration status, there are many who are being rejected and remain without an immigration status.

The Home Office has announced continuation of funding until the end of March 2010` for many Grant Funded Organisations who are able to provide direct guidance to vulnerable adults who have yet to apply and to those who require support in submitting appeals.

It has been confirmed that teh Continuing Health Care (CHC) and Funded Nursing Care (FNC) services will remain non-chargeable to EU/EEA nationals. 

Please also see updated guidance to signpost to individuals to the schemes.

And finally, ADASS are hosting what will be the last EUSS webinars taking place on the 17th November, 24th November & the 8th December 2021. This will be the last opportunity to hear the latest guidance from the No Recourse to Public Funds (NRPF) Network.

What else caught our interest?

Housing and Dementia

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Did you miss this recent APPG Inquiry report?

Watch and listen again to the launch of the new report on housing and dementia here and be inspired by Wendy Mitchell as she shares her personal story about living with dementia.

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And did you miss our HAPPI Hour sessions on housing and dementia? The recording and presentations are now available.

Supporting people with dementia and their carers

Supporting people with dementia and their carers cover 160 x 226

With the growing number of people in England living with dementia, who instead of receiving integrated care across the health and social care system, are required to navigate complex and uncoordinated care pathways, this House of Commons report sets out the challenges facing people affected.

What else caught our interest?


Flag Wales

For Welsh government guidance on COVID-19, visit: https://gov.wales/coronavirus

Do home adaptation interventions help to reduce emergency fall admissions?

Do home adaptation interventions help to reduce emergency fall admissions cover

A new study has concluded that the national home adaptation service run by Care & Repair Cymru (C&R Cymru) successfully identified older people at the highest risk of falling at home, and that the home adaptations subsequently installed reduced the risk of falls and resulting A&E attendance/ hospital admissions.

Right place, right home, right size? Increasing housing mobility for social housing tenants in North Wales.

Right place, right home, right size cover

This research, undertaken for North Wales working group by the Tyfu Tai Cymru team in 2020, focused on the reasons preventing people from moving into homes that are the “right size” despite their current homes being too big or too small.

This research utilised insights from professionals, tenants and existing literature to propose areas of future focus for the group to work collaboratively on progressing.


Scottish Flag

For Scottish government guidance on COVID-19, go to https://www.gov.scot/collections/coronavirus-covid-19-guidance/

What else caught our interest?

EVENTS Supported by the Housing LIN

In next week’s HLINks

Next week, look out for two new Housing LIN guest blogs by Dr Gail Lincoln and Julia Goodwin. The first, 'To Downsize or Not; A Decision or An Entrenched Position? Inclinations and Consequences', follows this week's HAPPI Hour on 'From Moving on to Moving In' and offers Gail's thoughts on downsizing.

The second, Julia outlines why Sparko TV supports the 'Big Insights' and 10 TAPPI Principles from the TAPPI Inquiry Report.