HLINKs - Housing LIN's weekly update at your fingertips

Welcome to #Jeremytalks and our must-read weekly bulletin, HLINks, week-ending Friday, 3 December 2021

This week saw the publication of the government's Adult Social Care Reform White Paper, People at the Heart of Care. It includes a specific section on housing, technology and new models of care, backed by capital investment to support innovative new models of housing, adapt and improve existing homes and transform services, including the greater adoption of technology. We look forward to working with the Department of Health and Care Services in the coming months to support sector transformation.

More immediately, many of the housing, care and technology themes set out in the White Paper will be discussed at next week's Housing LIN virtual Summit. We also have a speaker from the DHSC who will share further insight and reflect on yesterday's announcement.

In other news, we were pleased to publish our latest #InspirationalAchievement on the award-winning Food Angels programme organised by Harrogate Neighbours Housing Association. And, find out more from their CEO, Saw Cawthray, when she addresses the Summit in the opening session on Monday, 6 December.

And for more news, views and resources that caught my interest this week include:

Keep up-to-date with the latest on housing and care matters and register here to receive other notifications of your choice, sent direct to your inbox. And remember you can also follow us via our Twitter feeds: @HousingLIN, @HLINComms and @HLINConsult

If you would like to talk to us about any matters highlighted in this week’s issue, share learning about your work and/or discuss how you can engage our highly regarded consultancy services to support you, email  ‘Jeremy talks’ at: info@housinglin.org.uk

Stay connected and, above all, with further lockdown arrangements delayed for the time being, remain safe.


New Housing LIN products

Government's Adult Social Care Reform White Paper

Department of Health and Social Care logo

While the political spotlight has been on the £86,000 cap for personal care in recent weeks, the People at the Heart of Care: adult social care reform white paper includes a specific section on housing, technology and new models of care.

This is backed by capital investment to support innovative new models of housing, adapt and improve existing homes and transform services, including the greater adoption of technology. It cites, "every decision about care is also a decision about housing."

The chapter (No4), 'Providing the Right Care, in the Right Place at the Right Time', outlines a range of targeted measures to encourage local authorities and their partners set out an improved strategic vision for housing related care and support for older adults and disabled adults of working age.

New Inspirational Achievement - Food Angels, Harrogate - More than just a good neighbour


Lovell Later Living

We're delighted to share our latest Inspirational Achievement that focuses on Harrogate Neighbours' Food Angels scheme.

Lovell Later Living's exemplar Housing Association, Harrogate Neighbours, delivers a freshly prepared meal five days a week to older customers in the area.

Find out what makes Harrogate and Ripon Food Angels so exceptional and how for their beneficiaries it provides indispensable life enhancing service that directly supports public policy.

Join us this HAPPI Awareness Week from Monday 6, December 2021 - Friday 10, December 2021

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Ahead of Monday's opening session at this year's Housing LIN's 2021 Summit - A Festival of Ideas, we're celebrating the 10th anniversary of the first ever Housing LIN annual conference that coincides with HAPPI Awareness Week, celebrating the benefits of designing care-ready accommodation and age-friendly housing services.

With many HAPPI-inspired winning entries in this year's Housing Design Awards, we want to further raise awareness over the 5 days and celebrate the benefits of HAPPI with you. Find out how you can get involved!


Cover RE-COV Study

Check out current and relevant sector guidance on the pandemic on our Coronavirus Info Hub.

You can also find out more about the recent launch of the St Monica Trust/Housing LIN RE-COV Study, on COVID-19 and its impact on the retirement village and extra care housing sector.

Housing, Community, Disability, and Ageing

‘Those little connections’: Community-led housing and loneliness

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Recently published by the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, this report shares the research into the impact of community-led housing and co-housing solutions. Using a mixed-methods research approach, the research outlined in this report reveals that participation in Community-Led Housing (CLH) schemes has a positive impact on loneliness: individuals involved in CLH, whether residents of CLH communities or not, are significantly less likely to feel lonely than similar members of the general public.

New Housing and Ageing Alliance blog by Mario Ambrosi on 'Keeping our communities connected'

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In this blog Mario Ambrosi, Director of Communications and Marketing at Anchor and member of the Housing & Ageing Alliance, highlights the importance of connecting older people.

Mario reflects on what Anchor have done to ensure their housing locations continue to nurture vibrant communities and help older people to maintain their independence, health and wellbeing using the New Economics Foundation’s “five ways to wellbeing” model.

What else caught our interest?

Design, Construction, Planning and Technology

George Clarke's Channel 4 programme, 'Old House, New Home'

George Clarke's Channel 4 programme, 'Old House, New Home' this week featured homeowner Maria Clarke and the refurbishment and adaptations made to her South London home to accommodate accessible, intergenerational living across the 3 generations living there.

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We are delighted to be joined by Maria during the Housing LIN Summit session, 'Personalising home adaptations – Innovations in DFG funding to create safe and accessible, forever homes', on Thursday, 9 December 2021. 

UKRI Healthy Ageing Catalyst Awards are now open

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The UKRI Healthy Ageing Catalyst Awards support academics to take an entrepreneurial approach to research translation, creating scalable products, services and interventions that improve later life. Successful applicants receive:

  • A 9-month programme of support from Zinc, including workshops, 1:1 guidance from the Zinc team, coaching sessions, and access to a wealth of expertise from Zinc's ecosystem of experts in social enterprise, start-ups and later-life innovation.
  • £62,500 funding towards your project (fEC, 80% from UKRI, 20% from your host institution).

Read more and register for a 'Prototyping Problems' workshop now to hear how the Catalyst Awards can help you translate your research into impactful products and services, and learn about our supportive application process. You can also read more on their website before registering for a workshop. The Housing LIN is grateful to UKRI for becoming an Associate Sponsor of next week's Summit 2021- A Festival of Ideas.

What else caught our interest?

Health and Social Care, Mental Health and Learning Disability

What caught our interest?

Housing and Dementia

APPG on Housing and Care for Older People Inquiry Report

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Did you miss this recent APPG Inquiry report?

Watch and listen again to the launch of the new report on housing and dementia, here and be inspired by Wendy Mitchell as she shares her personal story about living with dementia.

And did you miss our HAPPI Hour sessions on housing and dementia? The recording and presentations are now available.

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Referenced in the APPG Inquiry report on housing and demenia is Yasmeen Hussein, Policy Executive at Foundations, who will be speaking at this year's Housing LIN Summit - A Festival of Ideas session on 'Getting ready for dementia - housing cares'. 

Session date: Friday, 10 Decemeber from 10am


Flag Wales

For Welsh government guidance on COVID-19, visit: https://gov.wales/coronavirus


Scottish Flag

For Scottish government guidance on COVID-19, go to https://www.gov.scot/collections/coronavirus-covid-19-guidance/


Sign up to attend this year's Housing LIN Summit 2021 - A Festival of Ideas

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And you may be interested in these other events supported by the Housing LIN

ADASS - The last of the EUSS webinars, an opportunity to hear the latest guidance from the No Resource to Public Funds (NRPF) Network - 08/12/21.

In next week’s HLINks

To coincide with next week's Summit, we will be announcing details of our 2022 Future Leaders Programme and also reporting on a selection of new products from the Housing and Dementia Working Group hosted on the Housing LIN website.

Also, please note that due to our week-long virtual Summit, there will be no HLINks next week. Our final issue of the year will be on Friday, 17 December.

Willmott Dixon logo

The Housing LIN would like to thank Willmott Dixon for their support in producing this newsletter.