HLINKs - Housing LIN's weekly update at your fingertips

Welcome to #Jeremytalks and our must-read weekly bulletin, HLINks, week-ending Friday, 17 December 2021

Last week was the Housing LIN Summit - A Festival of Ideas, our premier showcase event. Held over 5 days, we ran 11 HAPPI Hour-style session bringing together over 40 speakers and over 500 participants to listen, watch and learn about a wide range of topics: from intergenerational housing to healthy homes, and better housing design to how technology can aid independence at home. We have collated all of these and you can now watch and listen to a recording of each session and access the accompanying slides at your leisure, here.

To coincide with the Summit, last Tuesday, we were thrilled that Dunhill Medical Trust's CEO, Susan Kay, announced a £1m to support the next phase of the TAPPI project. We also were delighted to announce the commencement of our Future Leaders Programme early next year, thanks to Thirteen's sponsorship. And other announcements included the release of the Dementia and Housing Working Group design and technology briefing and a 'padlet' to support Recommendation 34 of this year's APPG housing and dementia Inquiry report, as well as several blogs by Summit contributors Faithful & Gould's Susan Rugg, Tunstall's Angus Honeysett and ARCO's Michael Voges.

This week saw the launch of a new APPG on Housing and Care for Older People Inquiry on Shared Ownership and Housing and Ageing Population: Panel for Innovation (or SO HAPPI!). It will address, 'Can shared ownership make the right home an affordable option for later life?'

And we published our final guest blog of the year by Tetlow King's John Sneddon who shares a positive example of how to overcome the issues associated with challenging Green Belt site and how the benefits of the proposals can be weighed into the planning balance.

Check these and other news, views and resources from England, Scotland and Wales, including information about our New Year/Spring HAPPI Hour series commencing next month.

Keep up-to-date with the latest on housing and care matters and register here to receive other notifications of your choice, sent direct to your inbox. And remember you can also follow us via our Twitter feeds: @HousingLIN, @HLINComms and @HLINConsult

If you would like to talk to us about any matters highlighted in this week’s issue, share learning about your work and/or discuss how you can engage our highly regarded consultancy services to support you, email  ‘Jeremy talks’ at: info@housinglin.org.uk

Stay connected and, above all, remain safe.


New Housing LIN products

Housing LIN Summit 2021 – A Festival of Ideas round-up

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Last week was the Housing LIN Summit - A Festival of Ideas, our premier showcase event. Held over 5 days, we ran 11 HAPPI Hour-style session bringing together over 40 speakers and over 500 participants to listen, watch and learn about a wide range of topics: from intergenerational housing to healthy homes, and better housing design to how technology can aid independence at home. 

We have collated all of these and you can now watch and listen to a recording of each session and access the accompanying slides at your leisure.

Hot off the press! TAPPI to get a further boost

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We are delighted that Dunhill Medical Trust (DMT) announced at the December 2021 Housing LIN Summit – A Festival of Ideas session on 'Getting switched onto technology: the big insights' its intention to now invest £1m to test out the 10 TAPPI principles across several local housing, health and adult social care economies in the UK.

In doing so, TAPPI 2 aims to create a practical and useful framework which will help ensure that the substantial funding commitment to help to unlock the potential of caretech innovation recently outlined in the recent government White Paper: People at the Heart of Care, is well spent.

Future Leaders’ Programme 2nd cohort intake

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During this year’s annual summit, speaker Chris Smith – Executive Director of Business Growth at Thirteen Group and sponsor of the Housing LIN programme welcomed the news that 7 early career professionals have been invited to join the 2nd cohort of our Future Leaders’ Programme (FLP).

The successful applicants from a wide range of early professional backgrounds including: almshouses, housing associations, home improvement agencies, academia and architects – all expressing a strong passion for improving housing for an ageing population. We look forward to reporting on this intake’s progress during the coming year.

New Housing LIN guest blog explains the background research that informed ARCO’s decision to redefine extra care housing

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Following ARCO's recent announcement on redefining extra care housing and Integrated Retirement Communities, this Housing LIN guest blog by their Executive Director, Michael Voges, explains the background research that informed their decision. 

He explains that ARCO has conducted both qualitative and quantitative market research with consumers over the last two years to combat the negative consequences associated with the proliferation of terms.

Michael also spoke during the 'Housing in later life: improving choice by building a better offer' session during last week's Housing LIN Summit. You can re-watch, here

Better services, better lives and planning for a digital future

Angus Honeysett

Following the Housing LIN Summit 2021 - A Festival of Ideas session on 'Getting switched on to technology: the big insights', speaker and Head of Market Access at Tunstall Healthcare, Angus Honeysett explains how and why the next twelve months represents a pivotal time that will shape housing, health, and social care for decades to come.

New Housing LIN guest blog shares positive example of appealing Continuing Care Retirement Communities planned

John Sneddon

In this Housing LIN guest blog, John Sneddon, Managing Director at Tetlow King Planning (KTP), shares a positive example of how to overcome the issues associated with challenging Green Belt site and how the benefits of the proposals can be weighed into the planning balance.

John explains how TKP carried out an assessment of need for specialist housing for older people and also the current supply, as well as the impact on local healthcare. 

Might the fifteen-minute neighbourhood transform what we want from housing in old age?

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In this blog David Sinclair, Director of ILCUK and member of the Housing & Ageing Alliance, reflects on the fifteen-minute neighbourhood concept as an idea that offers an opportunity to review the relationship between our home and our community as we age, while thinking about how the needs of a diverse older population is met within this framework.


Cover RE-COV Study

Check out current and relevant sector guidance on the pandemic on our Coronavirus Info Hub.

You can also find out more about the recent launch of the St Monica Trust/Housing LIN RE-COV Study, on COVID-19 and its impact on the retirement village and extra care housing sector.

Housing, Community, Disability, and Ageing

What caught our interest?

Design, Construction, Planning and Technology

Housing Design Awards 2022 submissions are now open!

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You can now enter the 2022 Housing Design Awards! This is an opportunity to build on the excellent HAPPI designs awarded in 2021 and we are delighted to continue offering our support!

What else caught our interest?

Health and Social Care, Mental Health and Learning Disability

Building the right home: NHS England capital

NHS England

NHS England have published updated guidance for clinical commissioning groups, integrated care systems, local authorities, support, care and housing providers on NHS capital grants and legal charges for properties for people with a learning disability and autistic people.

What else caught our interest?

Housing and Dementia

APPG on Housing and Care for Older People Inquiry Report

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Did you miss this recent APPG Inquiry report?

Watch and listen again to the launch of the new report on housing and dementia here and be inspired by Wendy Mitchell as she shares her personal story about living with dementia.

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And did you miss our  HAPPI Hour sessions on housing and dementia? The recording and presentations are now available.

Housing and Living Well with Dementia: from Policy to Practice in Greater Manchester

Housing and Living Well with Dementia Report cover

The report launch comes days after the government launched the White Paper detailing a wide ranging 10-year vision for Social Care with a recurring phrase, ‘Make every decision about care a decision about housing’. The Housing and Living Well with Dementia: from Policy to Practice in Greater Manchester report examines the existing health, social care, and housing options available to people living with dementia.

It focuses on how to provide housing within community settings and finds that housing for people living with dementia must reflect their specific needs.

A new Dementia and Housing Working Group resource on design and technology

The Dementia and Housing Working Group (DHWG), hosted by the Housing LIN, has developed a “go to” resource for easy access to Dementia-Friendly design and technology information and guidance to support the delivery of Recommendation 34 of this year’s All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Housing and Care for Older People Inquiry report, Housing for People with Dementia: Are we ready?

Launched by DHWG design and technology sub-group member Yvonne Castle, CEO of Johnnie Housing Group at the Housing LIN’s Summit 2021, Recommendation 34 is one of a suite of recommendations for providers of housing for older people in the private and social sectors and specifically asks providers to consider the design and adaptability of their homes in meeting the needs of those living with dementia.

DHWG have also introduced a new 'padlet' information hub

DHWG have also introduced a 'padlet' information hub

A home for all of the best information, advice and support for people with dementia, their families and carers as well as policy makers, practitioners and academics.

What else caught our interest?


Flag Wales

For Welsh government guidance on COVID-19, visit: https://gov.wales/coronavirus

What else caught our interest?


Scotland flag

For Scottish government guidance on COVID-19, go to https://www.gov.scot/collections/coronavirus-covid-19-guidance/

What else caught our interest?


Sign up to HAPPI Hour sessions!

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Hot off the heels our annual Summit, we are pleased to bring you advance notice of our Spring series of webinars, using our popular HAPPI Hour brand. The free sessions commence on Tuesday, 25 January and have we got an exciting programme for you! Do register to attend

And you may be interested in these other events supported by the Housing LIN

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Please note that this is the last edition of HLINks for 2021. We resume on Friday, 7 January 2022.

Season's Greetings and a Happy New Year!

The Housing LIN would like to thank Willmott Dixon for their support in producing this newsletter.