HLINks - Housing LIN's weekly update at your fingertips

Welcome to #Jeremytalks and our must-read weekly bulletin, HLINks, week-ending Friday, 7 January 2022!

I hope you had a well-deserved Christmas break and a Happy New Year! The Housing LIN team would like to welcome you back with some exciting new learning and improvement activities!

On the back of the Housing LIN's 2021 highlights, we began this week by setting out our 5 A-List asks for the coming year. Moving forward with our aim to connect people, ideas and resources, you can also look forward to:

  • Inspired learning: Join us for 6 new HAPPI Hour webinars this Spring, taking place bi-weekly from January to April 2022.
  • Inspiring thought-leadership: We will share new, informative and engaging blogs from a wide range of guest contributors.
  • Inspirational achievements: Alongside new exemplar care studies, research and resources, we will continue to showcase ‘Inspirational Achievements’ by our partners. 

The Housing LIN is also proud to support the 2022 Housing Design Awards, and in particular, the HAPPI design category. Year on year the bar is raised and the design quality on housing for an ageing population reaches new heights. The deadline submissions this year is Thursday, 3 March 2022.

Keep up-to-date with the latest on housing and care matters and register here to receive other notifications of your choice, sent direct to your inbox. And remember you can also follow us via our Twitter feeds: @HousingLIN,  @HLINComms and @HLINConsult.

If you would like to talk to us about any matters highlighted in this week’s issue, share learning about your work and/or discuss how you can engage our highly regarded consultancy services to support you, email ‘Jeremy talks’ at: nfo@housinglin.org.uk

Stay connected and, above all, remain safe.


New Housing LIN products

Our A-List of New Year wishes

A-List of New Year wishes

We hope you had a well-deserved Christmas break and a Happy New Year! As we start 2022, the Housing LIN's CEO, Jeremy Porteus, sets out his 5 A-List asks for the coming year.

We look forward to seeing how many of his wishes will come true.

A new Spring HAPPI Hour programme

HAPPI Hour 4pm logo sml

The Housing LIN kicks off the year with an exciting feast of free webinars! 

Taking place bi-weekly from January to April 2022, the 6 HAPPI Hour sessions cover everything from a housing association's corporate approach to Living Well for the customers to the launch of a new end of life care in extra care housing guide, and from tech in housing and care to social prescribing and community-led housing.

If you missed it, here are our 2021 highlights!

10 year anniversary 160pxs

Despite the ongoing pandemic affecting us all in 2021, we had a highly productive year of networking. 

Ahead of 2022, we would like to share a summary of key facts and some of the most informative learning and improvement activities we undertook in our 10th Anniversary independent of government.


Cover RE-COV Study

Check out current and relevant sector guidance on the pandemic on our Coronavirus Info Hub

You can also find out more about the launch of the St Monica Trust/Housing LIN RE-COV Study, on COVID-19 and its impact on the retirement village and extra care housing sector.

Wales & Scotland

For Welsh government guidance on COVID-19, visit: https://gov.wales/coronavirus

For Scottish government guidance on COVID-19, go to https://www.gov.scot/collections/coronavirus-covid-19-guidance/

Housing, Community, Disability, and Ageing

Housing Design Awards 2022 submissions are now open!

Design for Homes logo_sml

You can now enter the 2022 Housing Design Awards! This is an opportunity to build on the excellent HAPPI designs awarded in 2021 and we are delighted to continue offering our support!

The deadline for submissions is Thursday, 3 March 2022.

What else caught our interest?

Design, Construction, Planning and Technology

What caught our interest?

Health and Social Care, Mental Health and Learning Disability

Government provides extra £60 million to local authorities for adult social care over January 2022

Dep for health and social care

The government will provide an extra £60 million to local authorities to support the adult social care response to COVID-19 in January. The Adult Social Care - Omicron Support Fund is on top of the £388 million infection control and testing fund announced earlier in the year to prevent infections and provide testing in the care sector.

Housing and Dementia

APPG on Housing and Care for Older People Inquiry Report

Cover APPG HCOP Dementia

Did you miss this APPG Inquiry report?

With a new national Dementia Strategy expected, as referenced in the recent Adult Social Care Reform White Paper, watch and listen again to the launch of last year's influential report on housing and dementia here and be inspired by Wendy Mitchell as she shares her personal story about living with dementia.

And did you miss our  HAPPI Hour sessions on housing and dementia? The recording and presentations are now available.


Watch, Listen & Learn

HAPPI Hour 4pm logo sml

You are invited to join us for 6 new HAPPI Hour webinars this Spring!

Taking place bi-weekly from January to April 2022, the 6 HAPPI Hour sessions cover everything from a housing association's corporate approach to Living Well for the customers to the launch of a new end of life care in extra care housing guide, and from tech in housing and care to social prescribing and community-led housing.


Events supported by the Housing LIN

In next week's HLINKs...

In next week's HLINks, we look forward to sharing a new HLIN blog by The 'renting your own place' research team, titled: Supporting people with learning disabilities to rent their own home: initial findings from research. This blog reveals what some of the key messages were from the early project findings and explains what the next stage of research involves.

Willmott Dixon logo

The Housing LIN would like to thank Willmott Dixon for their support in producing this newsletter.