HLINks - Housing LIN's weekly update at your fingertips

All the news you need and more.

Friday, 6 May 2022

Welcome to #Jeremytalks and our must-read weekly bulletin HLINks.

In this week’s edition, we would like to remind our readers that there’s still time to apply to become of The Dunhill Medial Trust’s TAPPI2 “testbeds”. This is a fantastic opportunity to co-produce a TAPPI Framework, led by community-based organisations who are interested in ensuring the principles proposed during Phase 1 are developed and tested in real settings. The deadline for submissions is 16 May 2022.

We also draw attention to Dying Matters Awareness Week, and this year’s campaign asks us all to consider whether we’re #InAGoodPlace to talk about death, dying and grief? The Housing LIN wanted to show support by sharing a selection of bereavement and end of life care resources that you may find useful, including the recently launched 'Better Lives, Better Endings' resource by Octavia and St Christopher’s Hospice.

In other news that caught my interest, we signpost to:

Keep up-to-date with the latest on housing and care matters and register here to receive other notifications of your choice, sent direct to your inbox.

If you would like to talk to us about any matters highlighted in this week’s issue, share learning about your work and/or discuss how you can engage our highly regarded consultancy services to support you, please get in contact.

Stay connected and, above all, remain safe.

Jeremy Porteus Jeremy Porteus
Chief Executive

New Housing LIN products

Dying Matters Awareness Week 2022

Better lives, better endings cover

This year, Dying Matters Awareness Week took place between 2 - 6 May 2022 and gave us the opportunity to question if we're #InAGoodPlace to talk about death, dying and grief? In support, we have shared a selection of Bereavement & End of Life Care resources, including the recently launched Octavia and St Christopher’s Better Lives, Better Ending Report.

Housing, Community, Disability, and Ageing

A window of opportunity: Delivering prevention in an ageing world

A window of opportunity Delivering prevention in an ageing world cover

This International Longevity Centre (ILC) highlights clear health and economic benefits to investing in preventative healthcare throughout people’s lives. However, despite repeated commitments to prioritise prevention and the creation of a joint task force involving finance and health ministers, action continues to lag. 

That's why over the last two years ILC have engaged expert stakeholders from around the globe to identify concrete actions that can be taken to progress the prevention agenda and shared various recommendations in this report.

What else caught my interest?

Design, Construction, Planning and Technology

TAPPI2: From Principles to Implementation - Weekly update

TAPPI logo

Whilst applications to become a ‘Co-Production and Engagement’ and ‘Evaluation and Shared Learning’ partners have now closed and applicants are notified of the outcome of shortlisting, remember that the call to become one of the four TAPPI2 locality ‘testbeds’ remains open until 16 May 2022, 5pm.

For more on this exciting programme that aims ensure that the evidence gathered by the Inquiry in TAPPI1 is built upon and used to create a widely accepted Framework which embeds the recommended TAPPI Principles within a transformational change programme, visit the TAPPI2 microsite, hosted by the Housing LIN.

Inside Housing Development Awards

Inside Housing Dev Awards

The IHDA awards are still open and offer the opportunity to celebrate the very best residential developments across the UK over the past year. Categories include best older people’s development and best healthy homes development.

Entries are free of charge and are open until midnight on 12 May 2022.

What else caught our interest?

Health and Social Care, Mental Health and Learning Disability

Healthy ageing: applying all our health

Office for Health and Improvement & Disparities logo

This guide, published by the Office for Health and Improvement & Disparities, is part of 'All Our Health', a resource which helps health and care professionals prevent ill health and promote wellbeing as part of their everyday practice. This information will help front-line health and care staff use their trusted relationships with patients, families and communities to promote the benefits of healthy ageing.

This guide also recommends important actions that managers and staff holding strategic roles can take.

What else caught our interest?

Dementia and Housing

Manchester University logo

Open call: Take part in a University of Manchester survey into the experiences of supporting your spouse, partner or family member living with dementia to live at home during the pandemic. Deadline for having your say is 30 June.

Dementia & Housing Working Group logo

And, in association with the Dementia & Housing Working Group, we are delighted to be hosting a HAPPI Hour session on 31 May. This HAPPI Hour session will also provide an opportunity to demonstrate the Dementia and Housing padlet, a ‘go to’ dementia information hub, for use by policy makers, housing providers and developers, health and care professionals, those living with dementia and their carers, the home improvement sector, and building environment supply chains.

What else caught our interest?


What caught our interest?

Scotland flag


Watch, Listen & Learn

HAPPI Hour 4pm logo sml

In recognition of the success of our HAPPI Hour sessions, we are delighted that the UKRI Healthy Ageing Challenge, delivered by Innovate UK, have come on board as a sponsor of our online events.

As featured below, please explore our forthcoming HAPPI Hour webinars:

And you may be interested in these other events supported by the Housing LIN

LL Speaker logo

Next week’s HLINks

Next week we share two new Housing LIN Consultancy reports. The first on smoking and social housing and a second on the housing needs and preferences of older people from ethnic minorities in a local government district of the North of England. In addition, we are eagerly awaiting the publication of a new Appello guide on Digital Telecare.

We also look forward to next week’s HAPPI Hour - Community-led housing and how it can contribute to tackling loneliness where our speakers will share the lessons and findings from the DLUHC commissioned research and report, 'Those little connections’: Community-led Housing and Isolation’.

And finally, it’ll be Mental Health Awareness Week and we will draw attention to a range of recourses located on our Mental Health webpages and an upcoming HAPPI Hour, Standing Together Project.

Willmott Dixon logo

The Housing LIN would like to thank Willmott Dixon for their support in producing this newsletter.