Call for evidence: APPG housing and care inquiry on ‘making retirement living affordable: the role of shared ownership housing’

APPG housing and care inquiry on ‘making retirement living affordable: the role of shared ownership housing’


As a member of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Housing and Care current Inquiry: ‘Making retirement living affordable: the role of shared ownership housing’, on behalf of the Inquiry’s co-chairs, Lord Best and Peter Aldous MP, they would like to invite you to submit evidence to help inform the group in their deliberations.


The demand for older people’s housing already vastly outstrips supply and the gap is widening across all regions. There is a particular and growing concern around less affluent older homeowners - the ‘squeezed middle’ - who can’t afford to downsize or don’t qualify for rented sheltered housing. The Inquiry is examining whether shared ownership is a viable option for this group, and if so, what changes are needed to increase affordable provision and make shared ownership a suitable, and popular option for later life?

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Sponsored by Housing 21, the findings of the Inquiry – based on both oral and written evidence – will be sent to ministers, parliamentarians, civil servants, local government, housing providers and other stakeholders. It will also be presented to the government’s newly established cross-departmental task force on housing for older people. 

Share your views!

The Inquiry members are keen to hear a range of views

In particular, they welcome your thoughts on:

  • How the market for shared ownership for older households can be best scaled-up, and what  the priorities for the future should be?
  • The extent to which the level of public understanding is a barrier - do potential purchases understand the older person’s shared ownership offer?
  • Are the Government’s new Older People’s Shared Ownership scheme (and Home Ownership for People with Long Term Disabilities scheme) working?
  • Are the regulations covering services and leasehold arrangements fair and fit for purpose?
  • Is the opportunity to ‘staircase up’ and acquire a larger share inhibiting investment into the sector?
  • Can more shared ownership developments enable shared owners to ‘staircase down’?
  • Are resale issues a major disincentive to older people acquiring a shared ownership property, and if so, how can the issues be overcome?
  • What are the opportunities for new markets, for example, for those in LGBTQ+ and ethnic minority communities?
  • What are the barriers to developing new shared ownership schemes for older people, such as planning and design?
  • Is the grant funding under current housing and health programmes sufficient or needs to change?
  • What is the potential for attracting additional private finance? Is there a case for new incentives to invest?

How to give evidence

Please email your comments and suggestions to:

Let him know if your views are not to be cited or quoted. The deadline for submissions is Friday, 3 June 2022.

For more information on the Inquiry see: APPG on Housing and Care for older people

Best regards,

Jeremy Porteus Jeremy Porteus
Chief Executive