HLINks - Housing LIN's weekly update at your fingertips

All the news you need and more.

Friday, 27 May 2022

Welcome to #Jeremytalks and our must-read weekly bulletin HLINks.

This week, we were pleased to publish a new Housing LIN guest blog by Gary Steen, Chief Technology Officer at Tunstall Healthcare, on the role of technology in innovating housing services and care delivery for vulnerable adults.

On Tuesday, we held a very insightful HAPPI Hour webinar in partnership with WWA Studios on reframing retirement. We were joined by ARCO’s Michael Voges, Housing 32’s Nick Rees and Simon Maggs from Hampshire County Council. Missed it? The recording and slides are now available to download here.

In other news that caught my interest, we signpost to:

Keep up-to-date with the latest on housing and care matters and register here to receive other notifications of your choice, sent direct to your inbox.

If you would like to talk to us about any matters highlighted in this week’s issue, share learning about your work and/or discuss how you can engage our highly regarded consultancy services to support you, please get in contact.

Stay connected and, above all, remain safe.

Jeremy Porteus Jeremy Porteus
Chief Executive

New Housing LIN products

The role of technology in innovating housing services and care delivery for vulnerable tenants.

Gary Steen Headshot

In this new Housing LIN guest blog, Gary Steen, Chief Technology Officer at Tunstall Healthcare, explores the role of technology in innovating housing services and care delivery for vulnerable tenants. He highlights how the last two years have brought the importance of technology and data into sharp focus and reveals not only how they shape their services through technology but how their use of cutting edge technology helped support nursing home staff during the COVID19 pandemic.

Housing, Community, Disability, and Ageing

Independent living and Housing with Care video guides

Independent living and Housing with Care video guides cover

When you start looking at the housing options available to you as you get older, it can get very confusing. To help understand what Independent Living and Housing with Care can offer, Norfolk County Council provides three short videos on:

  • Positive, independent living choices for older people
  • Housing with Care and Independent Living choices
  • How to apply to move into a Housing with Care or Independent Living site

APPG on Housing and Care for Older People Inquiry: Call for information

Lord Best Headshot

As a member of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Housing and Care current Inquiry: ‘Making retirement living affordable: the role of shared ownership housing’, on behalf of the Inquiry’s co-chairs, Lord Best and Peter Aldous MP, they would like to invite you to submit evidence to help inform the group in their deliberations.

What else caught my interest

Design, Construction, Planning and Technology

TAPPI2: From Principles to Implementation - Weekly update


As mentioned last week, we’ve received a diverse range of fantastic applications that all have shown great enthusiasm towards the core mission TAPPI2: From Principles to Implementation. We will soon announce the project’s ‘Co-Production and Engagement’ and ‘Evaluation and Shared Learning’ partners as well as the four locality “testbeds”.

Would you like to receive regular TAPPI2 updates direct to your inbox? If you haven’t already, please remember to update your Housing LIN profile and tick the ‘Telecare and Digital Technology’ topic.

Otherwise you can find out more on this exciting programme that aims ensure that the evidence gathered by the Inquiry in TAPPI1 is built upon and used to create a widely accepted Framework which embeds the recommended TAPPI Principles within a transformational change programme, by visiting the TAPPI2 microsite, hosted by the Housing LIN.

Inclusive Bathroom Design for the Third Age

Ed Warner

Ed Warner, Founder of Motionspot in the United Kingdom, where he also serves as Sector Champion for the design of spaces and products for the UK government, appeared as a guest on this month’s Third Age podcast. The podcast focuses on the trickiest design challenge for the Third Age, and an area in which seldom gets the aesthetic attention it deserves….bathrooms!

Tunstall announces new Group CEO as it looks to the future

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Global market leading health and care technology company, Tunstall Healthcare, has announced the appointment of Emil Peters as group CEO with effect from 16 May 2022. Emil joins Tunstall from Cerner Corporation where he held the position of international president, managing all territories outside of the US. 

What else caught our interest?

Health and social care, mental health and learning disability

ICS Engagement with the Adult Social Care Sector in Decision Making

ICS Engagement with the Adult Social Care Sector in Decision Making cover

This report, published by the Good Governance Institute, builds upon previous research and focuses more on how engagement between ICSs and the ASC sector can be improved.

The report provides context on the issue before presenting the findings of their qualitative research, then delving into more sector-wide issues, namely, the statistics, the future and the role ICSs have to play, as well as the ramifications of the government’s October WhitePaper and how the CQC fit in to this new system.

The main body of the report ends with a reference guide for providers that lists all the ICSs by region and the local authorities within them before concluding with recommendations.

What else caught our interest?

Dementia and Housing

Manchester University logo

Open call: Take part in a University of Manchester survey into experiences of supporting your spouse, partner or family member living with dementia to live at home during the pandemic. Deadline for having your say is 30 June.

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And, in association with the Dementia & Housing Working Group, we are delighted to be hosting a HAPPI Hour session on 31 May. This HAPPI Hour session will also provide an opportunity to demonstrate the Dementia and Housing padlet, a ‘go to’ dementia information hub, for use by policy makers, housing providers and developers, health and care professionals, those living with dementia and their carers, the home improvement sector, and building environment supply chains.


Designing Homes for Healthy Cognitive Ageing: Co-Production for Impact and Scale

The University of Stirling have got the green light from the UK Research & Innovation healthy ageing challenge to research into designing homes for healthy cognitive Ageing: Co-Production for impact and scale (DesHCA). The Housing LIN is delighted to be one of the non-academic partners in this international research project to create future-proof housing to meet the needs of the world’s ageing population.

What else caught our interest?


Watch, Listen & Learn

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You are invited to join our forthcoming HAPPI Hours!

In recognition of the success of our HAPPI Hour sessions, we are delighted that the UKRI Healthy Ageing Challenge, delivered by Innovate UK, have come on board as a sponsor of our online events.

We also excitedly anticipate the HAPPI Hour Summer series of webinars. As featured below, we have a great selection of events approaching!

Other events supported by the Housing LIN

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Next week...

Next week, we look forward to publishing a new blog by Professor Roy Sandbach, chair of the TAPPI Inquiry, in which he explores how technology can and must support us all to live better, for longer.

And join us at our next HAPPI Hour session in association with the Dementia and Housing Working Group as we reflect on last year’s APPG on Housing with Care for Older People Inquiry report and launch the Dementia and Housing padlet, a ‘go to’ dementia information hub.

Finally, please note that due to the Jubilee weekend, there will be no HLINks next Friday. We resume on Friday, 10 June.

Willmott Dixon logo

The Housing LIN would like to thank Willmott Dixon for their support in producing this newsletter.